Tell Me The Truth

Kameron's POV ...

A silence descended upon the room as the wheels clanked loudly in my head. I breathed in and out slowly, trying to calm the rage from within me. I needed to speak with my mother and get to the bottom of this.

I turned my head to face Rex. "Get me, my mother"

Rex looked at me wearily. "Kam, I don't think it's a good idea to speak to her when you are like this."

I shook my head, "I'm fine, Rex. I'm calm, well calmer than I was before. I need to speak with her now before I go and speak with Callie"

Rex didn't look convinced but he didn't fight me on it. He nodded his head and left the kitchen. I stayed in the kitchen for a few more minutes.

All of this had been nothing but a little ploy in hopes of separating me from Callie. I know it had only been two days since the Tim Fisher incident happened but these past two days had been hell. My heart had felt like it was on life support and was about to give up.