Stay With Me

Callie's POV ...

I blinked once. Had I heard him right?

I blinked twice. I had definitely heard him right.

I blinked a third time. He couldn't kill him.

"You can't kill him, Kameron. He is an alpha and if you were to attack him and not succeed, that would insight war between your pack and his. It's not worth it. You wouldn't want to risk the lives of innocent men and women like that."

Kameron looked at me like I had grown two heads but I felt like I was being the most logical one out of the both of us.

"What do you mean, I can't kill him? I have to kill him. I need to kill him."

l jumped out of his lap and stared down at him. What?

I looked at him incredulously, "You can't be serious, Kameron. Why would you want to kill him? Why would you risk everything for something stupid like that?"

Kameron stood to his full height, towering over me once more. He grabbed the sides of my face and forced me to look into his eyes.