Danger in the Air

Anthony's POV ...

It's him. I watch the wolf make its way through the tree line and make a mad dash east. He had looked at me and I knew from his eyes that this was the same wolf from that day. 

I wanted nothing more than to chase him down and rip his throat open but I knew better.

I couldn't go at something like this alone.

Striker was like a wolf you rarely saw. He had speed that could easily rival a beta. He had the strength that matched three warriors and he was cunning like a fox.

My thirst for revenge may have burned my blood but I was not stupid. If I was to get any form of justice for my fallen friends, I would need the help of Kameron. He had the power I needed to make sure that we could bring him back alive.

I wanted to torture him myself the same way he had tortured my friends before my very eyes.

'Marcus, call in Ethan to take my post. I need to go and speak with the alpha,' I said through the mind link.