Middle Ground

Callie's POV ...

I had just gotten out off of the bus and was making my way towards the pack grounds.

My shift was surprisingly more grueling than normal. For some reason, I just felt like I couldn't keep up today. I was just constantly up and down the entire time but that had more to do with the fact that Gladys had to take over cooking since the chef didn't come in.

I had to not only waitress but I had to be the barista and cashier all at the same time. By the time the morning rush had ended, I was ready to head home but Gladys needed my help. So, I worked the lunch rush as well. To say I was tired would have been an understatement. Tired didn't begin to explain what I was feeling.

As I was walking, I saw a group of kids but something was off. As I drew closer and their conversation became more audible, I understood why I had felt like the situation was off.