Is It True?

Callie's POV ...

It had been a few hours since I had left Kameron's house and my mind hadn't stopped turning and twisting since.

I needed to speak to him but I also knew that he was too angry to have a proper Conversation.

Having been a wolf for almost a decade, my people skills still needed some work. I was still trying to learn and understand Kameron's behavioral patterns. I wished I could talk to someone who knew him well but the people I could talk to were either busy like Rex or hated me like Nora.

I thought back to the time I had seen her just outside the hardware store where Tim and I had been. She had looked me dead in the eye without a single expression on her face. But her eyes told a different story.

There was an evilness to them that I didn't like.

I had tried to brush off the small chance encounter with her but for Some reason, it plagued me why should have looked at me like that.