It's A Date?

Arianna's POV ...

I walked into the bakery and saw Gladys behind the counter. She smiled at me and called me over.

"Morning Gladys," I beamed, "is Callie here? We had said that we were going to work on the ramp today."

Gladys shook her head, "she hasn't come in for two days now but you and I both know the reason."

We both shared a knowing smile and then burst into a fit of laughter.

Ever since their little 'make-out' session in the gamma garden, they had locked themselves in Alpha Kameron's house.

After the road they had had to travel to get to where they are now, they deserved it. So much had happened to them and they deserved a little joy and happiness.

"I guess it will just be me and Tim for today," I laughed, "has he come in yet?"

"Yeah, he did. He said he will be back just now after he runs another errand he has to do for the shop. Can I get you anything?"

"A ginger tea would be great Gladys, thank you."