She’s Back

Callie's POV ....

The wedding was three days away and the whole pack was buzzing with excitement. Tonight was our engagement dinner and I couldn't have been more excited than I was.

Nora had been such a great help through all of the prep and organizing. Over the past week and a half, we had grown closer. I still didn't trust her but I was getting there and she wasn't pushing me, which I liked.

I walked down the stairs, following the smell of bacon to the kitchen. When I rounded the corner, I saw my shirtless mate flipping bacon in a pan. I never thought watching a man handle fatty meat would ever be appealing to me but here I was practically drooling.

"You know you could just take a picture," Kameron looked up at me with a teasing smile, "I hear it will last longer."

"Why would I take a picture when all of this is all mine?" I leaned against the archway of the kitchen. "You made breakfast."