The Big Day

Callie POV ....

Today was the day.

I stared out the window at the mountainous view of Riverroad. The rain had come and gone last night and now the mountains looked greener than before. New beginnings.

I had spent the last two hours getting pruned and brushed to perfection. I had yet to look at myself in the mirror. I wanted to wait until I had my dress on.

I pressed Kameron's letter against my chest. I had read about ten times now. His words still sounded sweet in my head. I was a woman in love and I never wanted that to change.

"It's your big day," Nora walked up and stood beside me. My relationship with her had been improving by the day.

"It is," I breathed, "after everything that happened we have finally made it. We're finally getting married."

I felt Nora's eyes on me. I knew what she was going to say.

"Callie I..."