
Henry had been walking through one of the abandoned parts of the city. It irked him to see so much space and buildings just being unused and falling into disrepair like this, especially when so many wolves suffered without homes or food. And there were buildings here just waiting to be used.

He wanted to do something about it. He wanted to fix it.

He glanced down at the ring on his finger. It was made of silver, but it was coated with a protective layer so it couldn't hurt him. Like all wolves, silver could hurt him, but not if it was coated properly and edges were worn properly. His family wore plenty of silver and had weapons made out of it.

It was just their trademark. More than any kind of symbol they used, the metal was their trademark. Nothing could harm them if they didn't allow it. Henry wanted more than that. He wanted their symbol to be more than their strength. He wanted to help wolves even when there was no benefit to them. He wanted to eradicate the drifter wolves.

He wanted them to have a family, home, and pack.

He knew that in the grand scheme of things, it was better for every wolf to be affiliated to a pack.

Lone wolves either died or became insane. It just wasn't their nature to be on their own. Henry was walking around the abandoned buildings, wondering how he was going to sell this idea to his father when he caught the scent of another wolf. It wasn't unusual for any other wolf to be here, so Henry was about to dismiss it.

He then picked up another, and they were moving, fast. His instincts kicked in immediately. For a moment, he nearly snarled, attacking. He almost shifted into a wolf immediately. Ge realized that they weren't coming toward him, rather they were moving away. He chose to stay in his human form.

It was more drifter wolves, but it was strange for them to be working together. Henry smelled a third wolf, and his senses went on high alert.

Three wolves were enough to form a pack. Even if they weren't, that was very easily what they could become.

He had to follow. It was more than instinct now. It was his responsibility and duty to his pack. Any rogue wolves forming packs had to be checked before it escalated into something worse.

After following them for a second, Henry climbed a ladder of a nearby building, grateful that he hadn't shifted. His wolf form would have had some trouble with this. He needed to be high up so he could watch them from above. His scent would also be out of their way if he was far above


He saw all three of them circle tight into an alleyway. He easily jumped two rooftops to get to them. Now, it was a matter of concern. What were they doing?

Henry watched as they cornered a shewolf. She was one of the most beautiful wolves he had seen, and Henry was taken aback when she fought. She fought better than any Beta he had ever seen. She was almost as good as an Alpha, even if she didn't have the power to back it.

She easily disarmed the wolf with the knife and used the silver to her advantage. She almost clawed out one of their faces, but then the third poisoned her with a dart. Henry pursed his lips into a thin line. Those were outlawed by anyone.

He could smell the wolfsbane from here. To use it like that went against the laws of the wolf. They could use silver as a weapon against each other, but never wolfsbane.

The very use of it was illegal and a rule that no wolf should break. Watching the scene unfold before him, Henry was only more solidified in his goal to bring all wolves under pack law. These kinds of rogue elements were just things that should never be allowed to happen.

Henry saw them advance on her and begin tearing at her clothes.

Henry snarled. He acted without thinking, jumping from the height until he landed on the one. He tore them apart without thinking. Sinking teeth and claw into them.

These kinds of actions were unacceptable, even to a rival pack, never mind a stray shewolf. They had to be eradicated at the source.

They were no match for his strength. In a moment, they were lying helpless on the ground. Henry heard the girl call out for help, and he turned to her. He wanted to call one of his packmates to help and take care of her. He guessed that she would welcome another shewolf now rather than him. But he was alone, and all that she had right now.

Henry's instincts told him to save her. More than his conscious, it was the right thing to do. There was also something about her that he couldn't explain.

An Omega ... He could see that clearly as he saw her now. To be able to fight like that was something he had never thought any Omega could do, no matter how well-trained.

Henry shook his head, bending to lift her. She had fallen unconscious. He had no idea where she was from, and he couldn't exactly leave her here in that state. H took her to the only place he could think of.

He took her back to his home.


Layla ....

Layla woke up with a start. The last thing she remembered was a dart going into her arm. One of the men had drugged her.

Wolfsbane. Layla had heard of it being used as a drug before. Her pack, like all packs really, kept the plant growing beside their territory. t was a strange herb. It could work as both a poison and a treatment. She had never seen or felt the effects of it being used as sedation before.

Layla remembered the events of the previous night. She felt a cold shiver pass through her. She Wrapped her arms around herself, hugging her body tightly. They had ripped her clothes off. They had almost violated her.

How could a wolf even do that? She knew that all of their customs and traditions weren't exactly followed this far away from the forests, but certain things had to remain sacred still-like their shift, the moon, and a Clainm. How could they even think of doing things like that to a wolf, and even more so an Omega?

She knew they would have killed her. There was no way that they would have left her alone after an attack like that.

She glanced down at her clothes. they were still torn and barely clinging to her skin. Layla glanced at the chair next to the bed and saw that a pair of dark green denim shorts and a black tank top had been neatly folded and placed on the chair beside her.

She guesses that the clothes were for her. She quickly changed out of the rags that were falling off of her skin and pulled on the new clothes.

There was a chance that she was completely wrong and none of those things were meant for her, but she would rather chance that than leaving this roonm in the state she was in.

And, of course, she had to leave ...

No matter how beautiful the room was. Layla took in the room around her. It was the largest bedroom she had ever seen. The bed she had woken in was so soft that she almost wished she could crawl right back into it. There were two bedside tables and a large rug that covered the entire underside of the bed.

Everything was covered in dark, muted colors-dark greens and blues and browns. It reminded her of the forests. This was a wolf's room.

Layla sniffed the air slightly. The room smelled of him, the same wolf that had saved her last night from the attackers. He had probably brought her back to his house or apartment.

She should go out and thank him. She could hear him in the other room. She could hear his breathing and heartbeat. He moved softly through the rest of the apartment. She couldn't tell much by what she could hear and smell. Normally, she would be able to tell the build and makeup of the wolf just on those two senses alone.

She knew that he was kind and good. Brave and strong were synonymous with almost any wolf, but he had stepped in to help her, and he hadn't taken advantage of her when he could. His scent saturated through everything. It wasn't even that fresh in his room, which meant he hadn't even been in there last night while she'd been sleeping.

Layla took a deep breath. She would need to go and thank him for saving her. Gathering herself, she opened the door leading out of the bedroom.