
Or Auburn might use an Alpha's Edict against her. It wouldn't work entirely, since she wasn't part of his pack, properly. She wasn't a wolf under his control. But that didn't mean that it would be useless against her.

An Alpha's Edict, a change that they could make in their voice when they ordered something, was impossible for a pack member to avoid. If a wolf was instructed by his Alpha not to say something or not to do something, he physically became incapable of it.

She wasn't part of his pack, so he wouldn't be able to have that control over her. But she would still feel some of the effects of his words, she wouldn't be entirely free from consequence. When an Alpha gave an Edict to a wolf that wasn't part of his pack, it was a battle of wills.

Her mind would fight against it, and her own body would be at war with herself. She would win, in the end. Auburn's words wouldn't have that much power over her, but it wouldn't be an easy win.