
Bronx walked between the three kills for a long time, and to Layla, it felt like forever, with her future just up in the air between the three men. She caught Jake's gaze once or twice, and he seemed assured that he had won, but she knew that nothing was certain.

Thorn had shifted back into human form, and had pulled on a pair of pants, but he looked no less feral than he did when he had hauled the carcass to the village in his wolf form, covered in blood. It looked like he had let the animal bleed out.

Layla prayed that, even if Thorn did have the better kill I, Bronx wouldn't allow him a victory anyway. She knew that she was meant to be impartial, but she couldn't really see any difference between Thorn and Auburn, and she knew that she just wouldn't be able to survive under either of them.

Azalea came over to her daughter, and Layla turned to her mother gratefully.