
For a moment, Layla struggled to understand what Henry was saying to her. But once she had heard and processed his words, she found that she was only more confused than before, and she only had more questions.

"But then why send me away?" Layla questioned. "I wanted to stay with you, too. And I asked you, almost begged you, not to send me away. But you did that anyway. Why would you do that if you wanted me to stay with you?"

Henry's words confused her, because they didn't match his actions. And she knew enough to know that conflicting words and actions were never a good thing, but he sounded so sincere in wanting to keep her with him, that she really couldn't understand why he would do anything different to that.

"I knew that I had to stay away from you," Henry told her. "I knew that if I really wanted to keep you safe, the best thing was to send you away."