
Henry left that night again. He had been leaving and coming back at insane hours, and Layla knew that he was working himself until he was exhausted beyond measure, and then he would come home, hungry and tired.

He would eat and then collapse for a few hours, before he would have to head out again. Layla made no objections to his times, though she worried that he was pushing his body so much further than it could bare.

She made sure that there was always warm and fresh food ready for him, and she always insisted that he shower first.

Henry came back each time covered in blood that had a different scent on it, and more and more frustrated each time. She knew that he wasn't making much progress, and she refrained from asking about it. He would tell her when he had something important to share.

So, after showering, eating and sleeping through the afternoon, when Henry woke up a little before sunset, he just got ready to leave again.