Felix's Suspicion

Holly held Cass's hand firmly. She couldn't let Cass go find that intruder. It didn't matter who that person was. Holly couldn't risk Arthur getting caught by Cass.

"What do you mean? I have to catch the person who is secretly following us." Cass raised her voice. She did not accept being forcefully stopped by Holly. A speck of suspicion began to disturb her mind.

"Isn't it too dangerous? What if that person intentionally wants to distract us, and then they attack Felix?" Holly tried to come up with a reason that sounded the most plausible.

Cass still didn't accept it. This was the most excellent chance to catch Helga, and she didn't want to let her get away with it.

Cass forcibly released Holly's hand, but she held Cass tighter again. "Please stay here."