Chapter 4 Materials and Reinforcement

"Space technology!"

The scene in front of him was like that of a great miracle, which shocked Tom again.

Perhaps the end of the world would be even more wonderful because of his existence!

"Let's set a goal first and intensify the motorhome into a universe giant ship!"

For a moment, Tom was full of energy, but soon he sighed.

Before the end of the world, he couldn't strengthen his motorhome.

In the next two days, Tom's materials were delivered one after another by a truck.

After signing for the goods, Tom put them into the dimension warehouse in the motorhome.

The space of 500 cubic meters was full of these materials.

After all the goods were put into the warehouse, Tom sat on the sofa in the motorhome and opened the system panel.

He browsed the strengthening options again to kill time.

"Dimension warehouse: It can upgrade to a dimension space of one thousand cubic meters. The demand: 200 points of energy (level two), and the material: 10 tons of metal."


"Medical class: It can cure most ordinary diseases. Demand: 100 points of energy, and the material: 2 tons of metal."

"There is medical strengthening?"

Tom couldn't help but stand up. All the creatures would face a change in the near future. Many small survivors' camps were destroyed because of the unknown virus.

Moreover, to strengthen Tom's chariot, he had to face countless mutated creatures and zombies. He might be infected with the virus at any time, which would relieve him of his worries.

On the third day, the countdown to the end of the world was eight hours!

"System, search all the information about the doomsday and the shelter on the Internet!"

Tom said to the system in the motorhome.

The chariot system was much more powerful than earth technology and could easily invade all the computers in the world.

"Done! Do you want to browse now?"

Tom sat up straight from the sofa and said, "Right away."

Now that the government and the financial groups knew the end of the world, they should also know some deeper information about it. That was what he wanted to know.

"On September 15th, a red alarm! The space station's watchers found the sun storm"

"On September 21st, traces of other civilizations were found in different countries one after another"

"On October 11th, the experts from different countries cracked the relic. They suspected that the abnormal sun storm caused the appearance of another cultural relic. They agreed that the technology in the relic could make the earth's technology fly quickly"

"On October 16th, the experts found that these ruins were left by the alien civilization that invaded the earth! The relics reappeared and will open the passage of the alien civilization to the earth!"

"The end of the world is coming! All countries should set up a shelter, collect materials and transfer important people!"


Tom was speechless after reading hundreds of top confidential messages.

Life evolution?

The invasion of the alien civilization?

Tom just felt that his brain was not enough to understand these things.

But there was one thing for sure. The end of the world was not only about zombies and the mutated creatures but also the alien civilization.

"It seems to be a premeditated doomsday!"

Tom was in the system now. He didn't care that the government abandoned him but tried to get more information.

In his previous life, he was just an ordinary person who struggled to survive, but he had a chariot system, which would sooner or later reach the front of human life and death.

He could only analyze that the doomsday was both a crisis and an opportunity. The world was about to face a tremendous change!

The ancient civilization before the earth could reappear!

Tom checked the time. There was still an hour before the end of the day.

"System, spread the news of the end of the world online!"

The system hacked into the social accounts of public figures and spread the news, which caused a sensation on the Internet.

"Is today April Fool's Day? The end of the world?"

"Recently, the army of our country began to gather secretly. Maybe the end of the world is coming!"

"The last day is coming! Should we go shopping?"

If it weren't for the social account of a public figure, these people would probably think it was a childish joke.

Just then, the doorbell rang.

"Who will come to me at this time?"

There were only twenty-three minutes left before the end of the day!

Tom thought as he walked to the door.

When he opened the door, he saw Alice, the beautiful manager of the auto mall.

It was not the time to return the car, was it?

Tom looked at her in confusion and asked, "What's up?"

Staring at Tom, Alice said in a businesslike tone, "We have detected that the motorhome has been parked in a place for more than 36 hours, so I come here to check it."

She flipped her long hair and walked past Tom into the room. While checking her phone, she asked, "Is the motorhome in the backyard?"


Tom checked the time and found that the end of the day was approaching. He was not sure if this woman would leave before the end of the day.

Alice keenly sensed that there was something strange in Tom's eyes, but she only thought that Tom was obsessed with her beauty.

The two of them came to the backyard. Alice got in the car and checked on her phone. After confirming that they were in the same car, she immediately smiled and said, "Sorry, I'm also doing business. I hope you can understand!"

Tom stood two meters away from her and smiled politely without saying anything.

The more Alice thought about Tom, the more suspicious she felt. But there was nothing wrong with her motorhome. She had to hurry back to the company to report.

At the door, Tom looked at the time. It was five seconds past the end of the day!

"Don't you know today is the end of the world?"

Tom waved his phone and shouted at Alice.

Alice had already seen the public opinion on the Internet, but she didn't believe it at all.

She opened the door and smiled, "You have to go to work even at the end of the world, don't you?"

Three seconds!

Two seconds!

One second!

"If I were you, I would stay at home quietly."

Tom said after Alice got into the car.

"Are you crazy?"

Alice couldn't help cursing Tom for playing tricks on her and then started the engine.

At this moment, a piercing cold wind came, and the sky seemed to be a little dim.

Alice looked up and was shocked by what she saw.

A blood-red moon suddenly appeared in the sky, facing the sun from afar. The former emitted a coquettish blood light, and the latter emitted a golden sun. The two completely different halos were constantly seesawing as if they were competing for the control of the earth!

"It's finally coming!"

Tom also looked up at the sky and the blood moon.

Blood moon in the sky, the end of the world was coming!

At this time, a special sun storm was sweeping through all the creatures on the earth, and an unknown virus would quietly spread, turning people into zombies eager for blood.

The outside was full of danger!

Tom turned around and went back to his room.

"It's the end of the world! It's really the end of the world!"

Sitting in the car, Alice wrapped herself tightly in her coat and murmured to herself while looking at the scene in front of her.

Then she stepped on the gas and wanted to go home.

Before the car started, two cars crashed into each other in front of her, and more cars followed. The road was instantly crowded.

For a moment, the street was filled with the alarm of cars and the wail of the injured.

"Oh, my God! Don't these people drive without a brain?"

Alice patted the steering wheel angrily as if to realize what she had said.

A badly mutilated figure crawled out of a car in front of them.

Seeing this, Alice was wondering if she should help.

The next second!

The man suddenly raised his head, revealing his bloody face, as if he had been bitten.

His face was full of ferocity as if he had noticed Alice's gaze. He crawled slowly on the ground, leaving a bright red blood path on the ground.


Alice could no longer restrain her fear and let out a scream.

As she screamed, the streets were suddenly filled with animal-like growls.

The zombies seemed to be attracted by the sound and kept approaching Alice's car, walking or crawling.