Chapter 9: The Ultimatum

Michael’s POV

Claire had used the codename, Janice Young, to keep Kaden from finding them if he called the hospital. It was a good plan and no one could confirm or deny Havana’s real name because she was still unconscious according to the doctor. Looking at my phone I saw various messages from Jane asking for my location. I knew I should respond to her, but my focus was on Havana and her health.

"Is that your fiancée?” Claire asked looking down at my phone, a can of orange soda in her hands.

Was there anything about me that Havana hadn't told her? It seemed that Claire knew more about me than I knew about her.

"It's complicated,” I try to explain.

If all the information she got about me was from Havana then there was no telling what she thought of me. I hadn’t told Havana the truth about my engagement to Jane. It was too embarrassing for me, but I needed Claire to know that I wasn't a bad guy. I wasn’t just some guy jumping from woman to woman and my latest conquest was Havana. My heart was with Havana, but my localities and duties were to my pack. I was falling in love with Havana, but I had a pack that depended on me to keep them safe.

"I don't need an explanation dude. It's your life." She shrugged opening the can of soda she had retrieved from the vending machine.

"It's an arranged marriage. My pack could use the extra resources in case of war.”

There was a sort of relief after I confessed to Claire. It felt good to have someone else know the truth about why I was engaged to a woman like Jane.

"Marrying to win a supernatural war. Never heard that before."

The sarcasm was heavy in her tone. Had she not believed me? Why would I be lying about why I was engaged to someone? Humans were hard to understand at times. They lived under the scope of skepticism.

"I love Havana, but this alliance will protect my pack. I don't know what you or Havana think of me, but I'm not that kind of guy."

For some reason, Claire needed to believe me. It took her a second to look at me as she stared at her can, trying to decide if she believed my words or not. She looked from her can to me and nodded. She believed me...believed in my character. Finally.

"She told me you were a good guy. I warned her about you because you were engaged, but she defended you constantly. I trust Havana’s judgment, so far so good. Listen, you go take care of your pack. I can handle things here, and if anything changes I have your number."

I was reluctant to leave, mostly because I hadn't seen Havana yet. The doctor told us she was still asleep, and couldn't have visitors. Claire somehow convinced him to give us an update on her current status. She was stable, and they had gotten her breathing to return to normal. Once she woke, we would be allowed to enter.

"This time I promise I'll answer."

The guilt filled my lungs, suffocating me. I should've been here earlier for both of them. Instead of responding with words, Claire nodded. She was right, I had things to handle at home and for now, Havana was safe. Plus, Claire was there to look out for her, she wasn’t at the hospital alone.

I stopped the car in the garage, looking out the window at the white manor. This was home, but I felt more at home when I was at the hospital waiting for Havana to wake. I couldn't force myself outside the Jeep, it was hard enough forcing my hands and feet to drive out of the hospital parking lot.

The thought of Jane or my father's complaints irritated me instantly. I was in no mood to hear what either one had to complain about. Whatever they had to say was unimportant compared to what was happening on the other side of town in the human world. Havana was already in critical condition, what if it got worse? I couldn’t think like that, she would be fine and Claire would let me know when Havana woke.

Opening the car door, I stepped out and went straight to my office avoiding contact with all pack members I encountered.

"You're going to get us caught," a giggling Jane said on the other side of the door.

Who was she talking to? Why was anyone in my office? I opened the door and the sight had not angered or surprised me. Jane sat on my desk with her legs wrapped tightly around the figure standing between them.

She looked at me and gasped, springing herself away from the figure. The fake shock at my arrival was on her face. If she hadn't been smirking I would have believed it to be genuine.

"Michael, I'm so sorry you found me like this,” she covers her lace black bra with her arm.

I hold in my laughter. Jane was a manipulator. She was used to portraying a narrative and living by it. She was just stressing me out over puke-colored dresses for our wedding and now sat in the arms of another on my desk. Was I supposed to be jealous? Was this a ploy to get a reaction out of me? It was fast, I was getting ready to marry an adult toddler.

"Alpha, I apologize. She seduced me," another voice said.

He was the one who had told me about Havana being here, Simon. He stood nervously in the corner of my office. His scrawny chest was open as his white shirt lay in the middle of the floor.

Did Jane think that I would be jealous of her having an affair with a messenger? Even if Simon were more than the pack messenger I couldn’t and wouldn’t be jealous of a woman I cared nothing for.

I shake my head and walk to my desk. I had no words for either of them. I had no time for Jane’s childish mind games. My mind was preoccupied, and my heart was at the hospital with Claire and Havana.

"No worries, Simon. I’m sure you’re not the first man she seduced. Jane, I’m glad I'm no longer the only wolf in my pack that you know."

It wasn't meant to be taken as an insult or sarcasm. I was generally relieved that Jane had her sights on anyone other than me. Jane hopped off my desk and glared at me. She pulled her blouse up and her skirt down, fixing her appearance. At least it helped her appear more menacing than before with her clothes half torn off.

"Are you kidding me? You don't care! What is wrong with you? I'm sexy and you don't even pay me attention!" She exclaimed.

She did all of this for my attention? I was no fool to Jane's beauty, but there was more to a woman than her outside appearance. If I had met Jane before Havana, then maybe things would have been different.

Havana set my heart on fire and displayed everything a woman should. She was powerful without being cocky and gentle but never a pushover. I had learned from my mother that a woman with substance was more valuable, and Jane lacked that. Her personality and ego made her unattractive to me regardless of what her body looked like.

"Jane, this wedding is a sham. We need it for our families not because we want to be together. Let's not pretend, you do what you want and vice versa."

The plan was foolproof. It wasn't uncommon to see married wolves with multiple partners outside of their marriage. Alphas both male and female had prospects offering themselves every day. If Jane wanted the male population to bow to her feet then that was on her. At least it kept her occupied and away from me. It was a win-win opportunity.

"Simon, go," Jane commanded.

Simon nodded before collecting his things and leaving the office. Watching him pack up was similar to a deer in headlights. He was just the man that Jane needed. One that would bow at her feet and be under her command.

"I've been patient with you, Michael, but I won't be nice anymore. You have an option, and this will be the only time I say this. You will change your attitude and treat me like the love of your life."

I laugh and remove my jacket. I had never been threatened for my attention and affection before. I sat down in my chair and leaned back getting comfortable while listening to her terms.

"Let's say I don't do as you say. What are you going to do?”

The question was simple and mocking. I had never been threatened before and this was an interesting feeling. Jane placed her hands on the desk and leaned in. The smile on my face dropped as her words left her mouth.

"If you don't then you can kiss this alliance goodbye.”

There was no way she was serious, but I couldn't and wouldn't bet my pack on it. She had given me the worst ultimatum. I had to choose between giving her what she wanted or losing what my pack needed.

"You wouldn't dare."

"Try me, honey. You have twenty-four hours to see things my way."

She stood up straight, sensing that she had won, and in a way she had. Collecting her things, she left me in the office alone with my thoughts. She knew what this alliance meant for both of us, and knew that I couldn't just turn my back on her for this reason. I had to give her what she wanted to ensure nothing breaks this alliance.

There were packs out there that wanted only to conquer and destroy. My pack was strong in defenses, but we lacked the numbers that Jane's pack had. We needed that if we wanted any chance at surviving an attack. I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration. All I wanted was to protect my pack and Havana. Was that too much to ask for?

What the hell was I going to do? I needed a solution and only had twenty-four hours to figure it out.