Shayla wouldn't have to fight very hard for Amelia. The case worker Mia did extensive research into the lives of Shayla and everyone close to her. Without hesitation, she signed all the papers to give full and forever custody to Shayla.
Within just days Amelia had been moved into Shayla's house in a room just across from Shayla's. For the first few nights, Shayla barely got any sleep. It was as if she suddenly had a newborn. She would sneak into Amelia's room at night to check for her slow breaths. She lingered a few minutes longer as if she couldn't bring herself to turn away from the sight of an angel sleeping.
The mornings would come, and Amelia was rambunctious and full of so much energy. She would randomly ask where her mommy and daddy were. The placement center had told her the truth. Shayla was glad for that, but somehow Amelia seemed to keep forgetting her parents were gone.
"Where's momma?" asked Amelia a week into her new house.