Chapter 3: A Dangerous Game

If you had asked me last night what I would be doing tonight, it would not have been chasing a giant wolf through central park. Yet here we are. After the fountain I grabbed the machine and pressed the button, Markham didn’t come back. He was resisting the call, and it was really beginning to piss me off. He was weaving in between the trees, and he had the advantage, yet somehow, I was able to keep some semblance of his trail. He was running wildly, breaking branches, and leaving prints.

I moved through some brush, knowing there were probably sticks sticking out of my hair and scratches on my cheek from trying to make it through. I raised the bull horn and pressed the trigger again hard, and I heard a howl to my left. I grinned. He may be able to resist the call of it but the animal in him clearly wanted to be near it. I didn’t know how long the sound emitted when I pressed it, Ollie hadn’t explained. I had to improvise, so I just pressed the trigger and held for five seconds and waited again, another howl. Okay, I would see if this would work.

I pressed the trigger again with one hand, and started moving brush aside with my other, I stepped through the bushes and let go of the trigger. The sound of the Howl was getting both longer and closer. I tried to not hold my breath as I moved through, I could see through the branches at this point and it looked like the other side was the Shakespeare Garden, it was full of gorgeous brush plants and flowers, the scents here blur into just a pleasant smell that was almost too sweet to bare.

I stepped through and shook my head, sticks going flying as suspected. I dusted my jacket off with my other hand and lifted the bull horn to push the trigger again, but before I could I heard a sound from a bush to my right. I stopped and lowered the bull horn down slowly. I didn’t want to make any sudden moves. Lycan or not, he was currently a wolf. If I made any crazy movements, I could end up tonight’s dinner. I looked over at the bush and breathed in slowly, trying to make sure I was showing no fear.

A squirrel came running out of it and I sighed relaxing and looked forward about to lift the horn when I saw the bench, this garden had several benches and they all had Shakespeare quotes on them, I was expecting to see that. I was not expecting to seeing Markham in his wolf form laying on the bench and looking right at me.

I took a deep breath and looked into his emerald eyes again I felt that feeling that I couldn’t move even if I wanted to. Clearly, he didn’t feel the same, the Wolf stretched as if it was not remotely worried about the fact that I was there. It was very comforting. I examined him from my spot, his fur was completely black, there was any color except for the front of his chest which had a large chocolate spot in the shape of a diamond. He was easily the size of a human man, if not bigger. He was beautifully terrifying.

I didn’t know how he would react in this form to me being here, so I tried to be friendly. I needed to get him into human form if I was going to stab him with the silver stake.

I put one hand up “Look I am just going to put this down. Not doing anything crazy. I just want to talk.” I kneel and put the horn on the cement, then stood putting both of my hands up so I looked as unlikely to stab and kidnap him as possible.

The next thing I knew the Wolf jumped down off the bench and I thought he might advance but instead he went low and began to shift, it was quick but looked painful. His body twisted and paws slowly shifted into hands and feet and the strong muscled wolf torso became the strong extremely well-muscled torso of a man.

Wade Markham, now stood in front of me in all his glory. He stood up slowly, shifting so he was now standing up straight. With how confidently he was standing you would think that he didn’t realize he was completely naked in front of someone. Lycans, vampires, shifters, they were all like that. There was no way you would catch them being modest. The moon seemed to shine down on him and cast his pale skin in bright light. I could see the definition in his shoulders, the length and muscle of his arms. The definition in his abs, even with the long scar going diagonally through them. The tops of his thighs and hips dripped blood from small wounds. I tried to not look down any further and bring my attention to his face.

His hair was a bit messier than it was in the photo, but the intensity of his green eyes was the same, bright and all consuming. Right now, they seemed a little annoyed.

“Talk?” he said finally, his voice was like Ronan’s I could hear the relation. However, there was something just a little different, just a little stronger or perhaps I was hearing things “It seems unlikely you are here to talk.” He crossed his arms over his chest and even though he’s naked he manages to look dignified.

I find my voice, clearing my throat and keeping the distance, not moving to grab any of my weapons just yet “What makes you say that?”

He unfolds one arm and points to me “You don’t need stakes made of silver to talk to someone. You don’t need rope or even a silver chain.” His angled face is stern. He is right of course; this would be a lot easier if he wasn’t smart.

I nod realizing that lying would probably not get me anywhere. “What do you think I am here for then?” I say, okay so no lying but that didn’t mean that I had to tell the truth. I didn’t move still but I did put down my hands.

“Given that you come armed with stakes and chains you are here to kidnap and not kill me. Presumably to take me back to my uncle. Is that right?” he cocked his head to the side, and I saw the ghost of a smile cross his face, but it was gone just as quickly as it came. I did smile and nod. At this point, there was no sense in denying it. I had other pressing issues, like trying not to look at him.

“That would be right, but hey, we don’t have to do it that way. You could just come quietly and then I won’t have to stab you.” I said with a shrug

He laughed loudly and placed his hand on his chest and then stomach, doubling over from laughing and I felt my face burn. I was of course joking but something about this guy laughing at me was making me incredibly angry.

“We can do it the hard way too. It’s no skin off my back Markham so make the decision so we can just get this over with.”’ I moved my foot back so that I was in my fighting stance just in case he decided to charge.

He had stopped laughing and he was back to having his arms over his chest. Now his stupid handsome face was in full grin. “Are we on a last name basis now? I am afraid I do not know your name; I think that would help me decide.” He shrugged as he finished moving to step into the light a bit more. I kept my gaze on his grinning face. I wanted to punch him in it.

“Tomlin.” I said in response, it was my turn to cross my arms, but I wasn’t doing it because I was a dick like this guy. With my arms folded my fingertips were touching my stakes and if he decided to move closer, I would be ready.

He nodded “Now, Tomlin. Why would my uncle send you?”

“I think in a little while you are going to be able to ask him for yourself.” I said with a smile, arms still folded.

He laughed again, apparently, he thought I was a damned clown. He tilted up his head, his chin lifting in the air. He took a deep inhale and my stomach dropped. He was trying to get my scent. In his wolf form he should have been able to sniff me out completely. I had two things in my favor. Firstly, The Shakespeare Garden has such a powerful smell it was easy to not pick out a scent. Secondly, I was wearing something to cloak my scent on purpose.

“Scent cloaking perfume, lucky for you I went to this garden, or it wouldn’t be enough. What game are you playing?”

“One where you go back to your clan, and I do not get killed.” He starts laughing again as I finish, and I have never wanted to punch someone in the throat more. What is it with these guys who laugh at everything I have to say?

He smiles slowly, the corners of his mouth pulling up into mischief. “A dangerous one then.” He shifts a foot back and my heart rate begins to speed. I know very well that I am completely outmatched, and my only chance is to get the drop on him.

“We do not have to do this. You can just come with me.” It was stupid for me to even try but I really didn’t want to die, or even kill this guy even if it seemed that he deserved it.

He dropped his arms, and all pretense of humor was gone from his face. I did not move my arms I moved my fingers a little farther down slowly so now my closed hands were around the stakes. I could pull them and then drop and stab one into each leg. He started to walk toward me, and I took a deep breath and kept my eyes on his as he kept closing the distance. It didn’t seem like he was going to try and fight. I still held them, but I knew my face looked confused.

He was now a breath away from me, my head tilted up at him because of his height. What the hell was he doing? I was about to ask when he smiled and immediately shifted back into the wolf, as if his skin simply shredded, running off into the bushes and for the second time for tonight got away from me.