Chapter 5: An Accord

To say that than I ran downstairs as fast as I could, would be an understatement. I almost tripped down several stairs as I ambled down them, holding a cross bow close to my chest as I pulled one of the bolts from my pocket. What the hell was he doing here? How did he even find me? He must have been following me but how did I not notice? I kicked myself inwardly and rushed out into the dimly lit hallway. Still the lights flickered but at this time of night the shadows cast were eerie, a shadow could be harmless or not.

I moved quickly down it leaning against the glass door, I could see him standing outside still looking up at the balcony as if he thought I was going to jump down from it and I steadied the crossbow in my hand below the window so he could not see it, I slid a silver bolt onto the bow and cocked it right as he turned and looked at the door still smiling as if he was here for a friendly visit.

I didn’t smile, I just looked at him, unsure what to say. He walked towards the door and pulled on the handle, it didn’t budge, and I saw him frown which in turn did make me smile.

“Open the door.” He said simply, his smile was back, and he folded his arms across his chest, he obviously had been somewhere to freshen up, his hair was a bit more kept, and he was wearing jeans and deep blue sweatshirt that said had NYU across the front, I knew from his file one of his degrees had come from there.

“Why? Are you here to just turn yourself in? I have to say after your little performance back in the park I was not expecting that.”

“My performance?” he said throwing his hands up in mock shock “I wasn’t the one pretending to be friendly when my true intent was to perform a kidnapping.”

I rolled my eyes at him “It’s not a kidnapping my friend, you are a bounty.”

“So, are we friends now?” he said with a grin.

I did not like where this was going, yes, he was still on the other side of the door, but he was being way too chummy like we knew each other for years. I looked down at my bacon and egg socks and frowned. I wasn’t in the best position for a fight, and I only wanted to use the crossbow to scare him. Still, a line needed to be formed.

“I am not someone who likes to be friends with murderers.” I said leaning back against the wall, his smile immediately disappeared, and the familiar nature gone with it.

He stood up straight and walked closer to the door, he stopped when he was so close, he could press his face against the glass, he didn’t speak for the first few moments he just looked at me with his searching emerald gaze.

“Let me in and hear what I have to say and then tell me if you believe that I am a murderer or not. I am not here to harm you. I need your help.” His voice was calm and sure, and his gaze never left mine.

I hesitated and just kept looking at him. He didn’t say anything he just looked waiting for an answer. I took a deep breath. Worst came to worst, I could just try and find a way to keep him in my apartment until I can get word to Ronan. Yes. That would work.

“Fine, but I have a cross bow and I am keeping it trained on you and if you think I will hesitate to shoot you in the eyes well that’s a risk you are going to have to be willing to take.” I put my hand on the handle of the door, and waited for his response

“Agreed.” He said simply and just nodded toward my hand, and I pulled the door open right as I trained the crossbow on him, he walked in and the full size of him came into view as the lights flickered brightly “Lead the way” he said gesturing down the hall which was now shrouded in darkness.

“No, you walk ahead, and I will tell you where to go.” I kept the crossbow on him as I said it and he looked at me and shrugged, taking a quick glance around before starting to walk down the hall to the staircase. “Move down the hallway to the stairs, we are going up four flights.”

“Great. Exercise.” He said with a shrug as he kept walking, he was looking around, but I couldn’t tell what he was looking at. I surveyed as he did, there wasn’t much to see. White hallway with a cracked ceiling with weird tan stains in different shapes strewn about it. He was probably used to much finer things.

We walked through the door to the stairs, and he began walking up them as I followed. The door slammed behind us, and I jumped just a little, if he noticed he didn’t say a word and just kept going. I looked out the window as we climbed up our now third flight of steps, the sky was dark almost black, it was about 2:30 in the morning so that made sense and a good thing too. Her neighbors for the most part minded their business, but her following a guy up the stairs with a crossbow would probably raise some eyebrows.

“This is very quaint building.” Markham said interrupting my thoughts “I especially love the distinct smell of piss everywhere. “

I rolled my eyes and felt my face flush. I pushed him forward as we neared the fourth landing “Just shut up and keep walking, open the door this is our floor.”

“Oh, goodie!” he said with a shrug of his shoulders and rubbing his hands together, I shoved him again and he let me. He opened the door and stood waiting for me.

“Go to the left, and the fourth door down.” I said and there was no quip from him, he walked down the hallway to where I said and stood in front of the door.

I leaned forward when I reached him and grabbed the knob, keeping the bow trained on him and staring at him as I opened the door. He made no moves to try and subdue me, so I guessed that was a good sign.

“Unlocked, how daring” he said softly as he walked past me into my apartment. He looked around my apartment, so I did as well. The bottle I was drinking from was out on the counter, cap off, and the glass next to it was empty, his file was open on the coffee table and my weapons cabinet was wide open.

“Nice place. Mind putting that down so that we can talk?”

“I feel like we could talk with me holding it.” I said, glaring at him and making sure the bolt was secure.

He shrugged and walked over to the couch and just dropped down. “Fine, you stand there like a psycho, and I am going to talk.”

“Great!” I said sarcasm dripping from my voice, he ignored it and leaned his head back against the couch, eyes closed before opening them and putting his head up again.

I was about to say another witty retort when instead he spoke “I am sure by now you know who I am where and when I was born and hell my damn underwear size, but that file does not tell the true story.”

I walked over to the other end of the couch and stood there. “So, tell the true story.”

He sighed and launched into it “My uncle and I have clashed over the years. He leads the entire Lycan clan of New York, and he has since my father died when I was 12. He always tried to be my dad, but I didn’t want one. But even if I hated the man, I wouldn’t murder his second in cold blood. It’s cowardly.”

“So that’s why you didn’t do it? Because you aren’t a coward? Perhaps that works on little impressionable women you are used to but not me.” I said with another glare

He smirked and continued “If I wanted to kill Devon, I simply would have just challenged him to be second and killed in true combat like any other Lycan.”

I frowned, for the first time since he started talking something he said made sense. He was right, I had done some research on Lycan’s, challenges were basically sanctioned murder. Why wouldn’t he just do that?

He seemed to notice I was starting to falter. “How much am I worth?” he said with a little smile.

I looked at him and finally put the cross bow down on the table, but I kept the handle towards me in case I needed to grab it. “Fifty Thousand.”

He whistled at me and nodded as if he had expected a large amount. “I will match it. Help me prove my innocence and I will pay you fifty thousand dollars.” He looked at me and held his hand out to me.

I frowned and looked down at his hand. Before I could answer him, he spoke “What do you have to lose?”

I felt a small pit of anxiety grow in my belly. He was right. What did I have to lose? Either way I could always just turn him in. I reached and shook his hand his handshake was firm but so was mine.

“Then, we have an accord.” He said with a smile, and I rolled my eyes again

“What are you a pirate?” I said trying to pull my hand away, but he was still holding it.

“No, Wade. “He raised in eyebrow waiting for a response

I pulled my hand away finally as I spoke, still feeling the warmth from his. “Val.” He grinned again my stomach lurched. Oh boy.