When I was young before my parents died, I remembered my mother always loved to dance. We lived in a small apartment, sometimes the electricity would be off, or we wouldn’t have hot water, but my mom always found a reason to dance. I remembered one time she picked up both of my hands and began to spin me and I giggled as she did, I started to feel dizzy but even though I felt my stomach flip I didn’t ask her to stop. When she put me down, I felt like the floor was slipping sideways out from under me. I couldn’t keep upright if I tried.
This is how I felt when I began to open my eyes, I felt myself sway as I tried to stop my vision from blurring and my head from swimming. Where was I? What had happened? I picked my head up and tried to look around, but I couldn’t see straight. Panic was beginning to set in, I tried to quell it with a deep breath. I could breathe. I couldn’t move but I could breathe. Clearly someone had dosed me with something, but what? I couldn’t remember.