Chapter 18: Here Kitty, Kitty

“This is a terrible idea.” I said as we walked down the street. It was about 7 o’clock and the freezing cold autumn air was settling into my bones making me shiver even though we were moving quickly.

Lonnie hand his hands stuffed in his pants, and his shoulders squared. He only had on a sweatshirt, and I would have been freezing if I were him. He didn’t seem to mind. “Come on Juliet, you don’t trust me? I know what I am doing.” He was carrying a big bag and he wouldn’t let me, or Wade look in it. It wasn’t doing anything for my mood.

“Please stop calling me Juliet.” Ever since he caught Wade and I going at it on my desk, he had called me Juliet about thirteen times. I liked the kid, but if he didn’t stop, I was going to have to punch him in the face to get my point across.