Chapter 24: Ronan's Promise

The Lycan compound was extremely different than the panther. The panther compound was all about elegance and refinery. It looked more like Hogwarts here, with a little bit of a military feel.

I looked up as we stood outside of the gate, there were two men in turrets above us with machine guns. They had them pointed at us, but Lonnie didn’t seem too concerned.

Lonnie went up to the gate and punched in a code a robotic voice appeared to come from the gate “Name and scan.”

Lonnie leaned forward, one eye in front of the camera “Lonnie Earl James.” The gate camera scanned Lonnie’s eye and five seconds later, the gate opened, and the men lowered their weapons.

“Jeesh, you think security is tight enough? Trying to keep the riff raff out?”

Lonnie grinned. “I am the riff raff Juliet.”

I elbowed him in the ribs as we started walking up the paved and brick stairs that led into the building, “Why on earth do you keep calling me that?”