Chapter 28: Questions Answered?

As we walked up the grand steps and left the ball below behind, I felt like I was being led to the electric chair. I could not see Lonnie anywhere and since we were still alive, I had to assume he was safe somewhere.

Wade and I hadn’t spoken, and my skin and lips were still tingling from what had just happened, but as per usual we didn’t have the time to talk about it. Instead, we had to deal with this psycho.

We walked down the hallway and the man pressed the elevator button and we rode up to the penthouse. The whole way up the man stood behind us, that smug smile plastered on his face any time I deigned to look back at him.

The elevator doors opened right into the penthouse and when I say penthouse, I mean penthouse. The room had floor to ceiling windows and a balcony that overlooked the park, and the carpet was a plush beige. There were several leather couches and a bar in the corner. A golden throne sat in the middle of the room and Vincent Ferrer was in it.