Chapter 30: Mistakes Made

The scene looked completely ridiculous, at least it did to me. Here we were, Ferrer glaring daggers at Lonnie. Lonnie grinning wildly while holding a bowie knife to the little cub’s throat. Me, standing next to Wade who looked like he was ready to leap on Ferrer and rip him apart limb from limb. From the look in his eyes, I believed that he was about to do it.

Lonnie broke the silence like only he knew how. “Well, well…nice digs. Want to tell your boys to put down the guns? We wouldn’t want junior to have a little accident.”

Ferrer went to walk forward. He dropped his cane on the couch, placed his hands at his sides and clenched and unclenched his fists. The silver claws slowly sliding down from his fingertips. My hand instinctively went to my side, ready to pull up my dress and whip out my chains the second he made a move.