Chapter 38: Say It Ain't So

Standing outside of The Night’s Tavern, I couldn’t stop my leg from doing its nervous shake. I was leaned up against the brick wall outside, and my leg was doing an anxiety dance against it. I tried not to bite my nails; my parents had always tried to get me to stop when I was young but after losing them it only made me want to bite them more. Still, whenever I rose my finger to my mouth to bite, I heard my mother’s voice in my brain telling me to stop. It was almost comforting.

Unfortunately, nothing could comfort me right now. Getting out of the apartment was a lot easier than I thought it would be. Wade and Lonnie were so worried about what was going to happen tonight that they both decided they would do some research and come back with what they found. I told them I would stay put, that I needed rest after all my injuries and maybe a drink too. It wasn’t necessarily a lie. I did need rest and a drink. I just wouldn’t be getting it right now.