Chapter 31: The War Meeting


“Your highness the others are on their way.” Kinth looked anxiously around the empty war room.

Only a few candles had been lit which gave the room a ghostly glow. Azrel lounged in the chair normally reserved for his father. This was a particularly delicate time. Now that the small group had been decided, it was finally time to get down to the details.

“Are you sure these men can be trusted?” Azrel glanced at the nervously pacing Kinth, who for all his worth was a wonderful soldier but a skittish spy.

“With my life your highness.”

Azrel nodded and surveyed the table which had been rearranged to show a closer map of Oberin and in the corner the Fort Fernasses. Azrel worried that the entire operation was too hastily put together. He had to continue to assure himself that without risk there would be no way they would win the war.

The first knock at the door brought a stiffness to Kinth. He opened slowly and the three Dermnith guards in plain clothes entered.