Chapter 1: Forever in Love

Drusilla and Talon have the kind of love most people do not have. They have been together since their high school years. They were married two years out of high school and then had a daughter. Their daughter's name is Ambrosia. Drusilla and Talon has the life anyone would want, while Drusilla stayed home with their daughter, Talon worked as a welder. Talon did not want Drusilla to work while their daughter was growing up.

Drusilla is tall, thin, has long wavy brown hair. She's sexier than most women. When she was in high school all the boys wanted to date her. Talon was the lucky one who got to marry her. She fell in love with him instantly. Talon is your average handsome looking man. He has light brown hair and blue eyes.

They live in a small town in Kentucky, called Harrodsburg. The town is the smallest town and there are very little things to do. Some of the houses are captivating and some of the houses are abandoned. There was a distinct mansion that stood tall and has a pointed roof to it. The mansion has become abandoned, no one knows why it has. Drusilla and Talon lived near the mansion; Drusilla was stunned at how beautiful it looked. She has mentioned to Talon that she would love to live in a mansion, but Talon would just tell her, maybe someday they would.

There wasn't much to do in Harrodsburg, they would have a parade once a year, that's about it. There was nothing to do for kids growing up except one small park that had a swing set, sliding board, and a picnic area. As Ambrosia was growing up, Drusilla talked to Talon about moving somewhere else, where there are more things to do with kids. Talon couldn't move at the time because of his job. Drusilla would get frustrated because she couldn't take Ambrosia anywhere, she would tell Talon that they should pick somewhere to move and find a job wherever they move too. When Ambrosia was a baby, the area did not matter because she was too young to play. Ambrosia, now 12 years old gets bored often and why wouldn't she, there is nothing for her to do.

One day after dinner, Drusilla talked to Talon about looking for a job in London. Talon just looked at her in shock, he thought she may have been joking, but she was serious. Drusilla told him that there are many jobs in London for a welder. Talon just shook his head back and forth. He sat at the table, silently for a minute and looked at Drusilla and asked her if she was serious about moving to London, Drusilla told him that she was and that they could start looking for a job for him there. Talon then said, "Is this what you really want babe?" Drusilla said, "yes, let's do it, there is nothing for Ambrosia to do here." Talon told her that he will look up jobs tomorrow, since it's the weekend he will have more time. Drusilla was ecstatic, she gave him a big kiss and a hug. She had gotten so excited.

When their talk was over, Drusilla washed the dinner plates and Talon went upstairs to get a shower. After Drusilla finished cleaning the kitchen, she went upstairs to their bedroom. She changed into her lingerie and laid in bed. After Talon finished with his shower, he went into the bedroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist. Drusilla stood up and walked over to Talon and they started kissing passionately, then they both laid in bed and started having sex. Their sex life was amazing, they are so attracted to each other. After they finished having sex, they both went to bed.

Early the next morning when Talon got up, he immediately walked to the local market. Drusilla was still asleep; he went to pick up the newspaper. While he was gone, Drusilla woke up and went downstairs and put a pot of coffee on. She wondered where Talon went, he usually doesn't leave without telling her where he is going. While Drusilla waited for him to get back, she made breakfast. Talon was back about 10 minutes later. He walked in with the newspaper and sat at the kitchen table, Drusilla poured him a cup of coffee and told him, breakfast was almost ready. She asked him where he had gone, and he told her to the store to get the paper. Then he told her that he was going to check the job listings. Drusilla smiled and told him that she was happy about this decision.

It is the weekend and Talon told Drusilla that he was going to go to his buddy's house and talk to him about jobs. Drusilla told him that while he was at his buddy's house, she's going to take Ambrosia shopping. After breakfast, Talon went to his buddy's house, Drusilla and Ambrosia went to the mall. The mall was about a half hour away from their house.

Talon and John sit outside on John's porch. Talon tells John about the decision he and Drusilla made. John tells him that if that's what they want to do, then do it. He also tells him that there are many welding jobs around. Talon tells John how Drusilla wants to move to London, and he feels some type of way about moving there. John tells him to go and try living there. John thinks it is a nice place to live. Talon asks if he knew of any welding jobs there and John told him that he can check with one of his buddies who loved there a few years ago. John calls his buddy and asks him about welding jobs in London, his buddy told him that there are jobs there, not many but a few. John tells Talon what his buddy told him; Talon told him that he will just have to do it.

Drusilla and Ambrosia are still at the mall, they shop for a few hours and head back to the house. By the time they arrive home, Talon is back from John's house. The girls walk in with a few bags and set them on the couch in the living room. Ambrosia grabs her bag and heads to her bedroom. Drusilla sits at the kitchen table with Talon, Talon tells her that he talked with John and that they will move to London. He also told her that John talked to one of his buddy's and he said that there are a few welding jobs out there, but the only thing is that they need to move there before he can apply for the job. Drusilla was in shock, she did not know this was going to happen so suddenly, but she was happy about it. Talon told Drusilla that they will have to save some money before they leave, and he will give his job a notice of leaving his employment as a welder.

After they had their talk, they went up to bed. They had sex, they would have sex every night, their passion for each other was incredible.

The next morning, after both woke up, they laid in bed caressing each other for a while, they kissed passionately then they got a shower together. The shower room was hot and steamy while they showered. After their shower they went downstairs to the kitchen, they sat at the table and waited for Ambrosia to come down, they couldn't wait to tell her the news. An hour later, Ambrosia woke up and went to the kitchen. Drusilla made her breakfast and told her to sit at the table, that they had something to tell her. The three of them sat at the table and Talon looked to Ambrosia and told her that they will be moving to London in about a month. Ambrosia just looked at her father and told him that that is okay with her. She told her parent's that maybe there will be more things to do there and that she is bored where they live now.

Drusilla told her that there will be more things to do because it will be a bigger and better town. Ambrosia was excited and told her parent's that she couldn't wait to leave. Drusilla and Talon were happy that Ambrosia is okay with their decision, at first, they did not think she would want to move, but she surprised them and told them that she wanted to leave the town.

As weeks go by, Drusilla starts packing their things while Talon finishes out his job. Ambrosia helps her mother pack. They pack everything except their furniture. They are going to fly there, so there was no way they could bring any furniture. They were renting the house, so there was no need to try and sell it, but in the next few weeks they will sell all their furniture, which would give them extra money. Talon and Drusilla figured once they arrive in London that they will look for a place to rent with furniture already in it.

The week before they were going to leave, they had a huge yard sell, they sold everything and made enough money to live on until Talon could find a job in London. Talon had already bought their plane tickets a month ago with some of the money he had saved.

The night before they had to leave, Drusilla and Talon talked to each other and could not believe that they are going to move to London. They were happy about the decision that they made and were happy that Ambrosia will have a better life. They went to bed early, since their flight leaves at 5:00 a.m.

The next morning, Drusilla and Talon was up at 3:00 a.m. getting their things ready. About 4:00 a.m. they start to wake up Ambrosia. Ambrosia gets up and walks downstairs with her bags. The three of them wait for John to pick them up and take them to the airport. John arrived at their house at 4:30 and they all left for the airport.