Ch 1- The tip

Risa's POV-

How much time has passed since I got a message from this 'brat'?

hmm, maybe I'm over-reacting because of this 'brat', it's just been one day. I giggled to myself making scenarios that never happened....or might have. I remember our childhood but the recent memories are just gone. I don't even get those faint glimpses of the past year or so. The more I focus more blank it becomes. Should I concentrate one more time?

Aghhhh...I don't remember. It's not that I crave for those memories... it's just.....

Half a year back, I got up from my long sleep. The first thing I was greeted with was crying. Endless crying.

I couldn't comprehend why my parents were crying, even my stone-cold brother was weeping. Next to her was a beautiful woman also looking at me with sad eyes.

It was Sivi bhabi.

(Bhabi- Sister-in-law)

Then the doctor came. And caressing my head like a fatherly figure broke the dreaded news to me.

After some accident (which I never got details of) was in a coma for four months. It was a sad news but when I tried to remember the events of the accident I couldn't remember anything. Fu**in' fantastic. After talking about this with my doctor he told me that it could be a case of amnesia. He told me that I have to figure out what memories I lost.

After some further 'research' that I did with my family, I found out that only the recent memories of a year back had been lost. I was glad to hear that but my parents had a wry smile on their faces. They didn't tell me the reason and I didn't ask either.

Two days after I woke up the 'brat' in question arrived with a big basket of fruits and a certain flower that I didn't know why, but was attracted to immediately. The 'brat' was named Lika my childhood friend. She came in with a big bear hug and tears which also felt familiar.

After that, she just kept sobbing and thought that I was going to die. After comforting her we started to catch up on things.

She told me that after my accident she changed to the school where we both used to study. After asking why she told me that it was too much for her without me. She couldn't handle the guys approaching her. To which I giggled a little, then looked at her face. A cute little girl with big eyes, wearing glasses with short hair on her crown and well proportions. Yup, she is to be desired.

After some small talk, I broke the news of my memory loss which revealed some complicated expressions from her. Her face changed from shock to sadness and then to a helpless smile. It was fishy, her and my parents' reaction. I asked her straight up why she was making that kind of face. She just pursed her lips at the sudden question, but after some thought, she gave a confusing answer.

she told me that it was the happiest time of my life, those lost memories. Which I thought was quite a cliche for someone to lose memory.while I was thinking she continued and told me that it was also a good thing that I lost my memories, and then she paused. Her eyes were wide open from the shock of what she had blabbered in front of me. Suddenly the door opened and Sivi bhabi was there. Just one glance from her sent chills to Lika's spine.

After that, she just stood up and left in a hurry. Sivi still looking in the direction of Lika with scorn on her face which immediately turned into a smile when she looked at me.

"What just happened?" I was pondering when more people came to meet me and the day went on like that.

And now at the present time, I am waiting for this girl's call. Every day I call her and ask about that flower she bought. I don't recall it being my favorite from the past, so there is only one explanation. I started liking it in my 'lost memories' period. She would always change the topic but she finally gave up and told me that she will tell me about it on the 12th of January...Today. I've been waiting for this call for about an hour now as she wasn't free at that time.

Suddenly the phone rang, I pounced on it and said hello. Lika didn't reply to my hello. She simply just said, "Today is the anniversary. That flower.....that white I can't do this. If you want to find more about it go back to FLM school....where this all started. And one last thing...He is still waiting."