ch 3- Disguise

Risa's POV-

The art of disguise taught to me by Sivi was not an easy feat for me to achieve. Regardless when I heard about it I thought of it as some ninja thing, where I would be able to achieve anybody I desire. But the reality is cruel.

To change the shape and structure of the face, heavy makeup was done. Then to change the features of the face like eyes or lips literal drawing was needed. on top of that to change the size of the eyes or nose, a special tape was to be used provided by Sivi herself. It was like learning how to do make-up and plastic surgery at the same time.

It wasn't hard to learn all these as I was good at art from childhood. The main concern was changing the rest of your body. We started with making my body flexible. I thought we were doing it for the purposes related to fighting, but that was just a part of it. When my body became flexible enough, then came the real challenge. To change the height and structure of the body I had to dislocate my joints and then rejoin them in such a manner that they were different from before. Unlike face transformation, body transformation could only have two choices, one the original body and the second the transformed one. It was hell to learn this and took most of my training time.

Completing the disguise needs one most important thing. Changing the voice. For this Sivi taught me a technique of moving the larynx and holding it, which in return changes the voice.

After going through all these steps I was good to go. I wore baggy clothes to be as discreet as possible. Sivi told me that there are times when the disguise fails. And more often than not they fail when newbies do it, so I have to take these necessary precautions.

When I got out of the house I was again stopped by Sivi. I had a 'what now' look on my face when she facepalmed looking at me. I became self-conscious and checked myself on the front camera of my smartphone. She sighed.

"Why are there keys in your hand?" she asked this simple question. I didn't get the question and looked at her confused. They were my scooter's keys.

"What is the point of disguise when you can't even cover your tracks," she said gently. I looked at her in an understanding manner.

"Go by bus," she told me this last thing and left.

I also left the house to make the walk to the bus station. It was a long walk to the bus station. Along the walk to the bus station came long back alleys where shady business took place. Last weekend a man was killed on his way home when some kids invited him to play cards and when he lost the game instead of taking money from him, he was beaten to death by the kids. Even the police don't get involved with the back alley's business. Kind of ironic if you ask me.

I was in my thoughts when I heard some noises from one of the alleys. When I found the source of the sounds I instantly knew something bad was going on. As the alley was the same one where the man died. Now I had a choice to ignore the voice or be a curious kid and go towards the danger.

I quickened my steps and after a few seconds, I was at the site of the happening. Yes, curiosity got the best of me. peeking through the side walls of the alley I saw four kids and one boy in casuals. The kids were not small at all, if not for their school uniforms indicating taht they were definately middle schoolers, they could be mistaken for adults.

The kids were all cracking their knuckles and one of them had a bat too. The boy in casuals looked frozen in fear as he had his hands in his pockets. He had a mask on and his head was covered by the hoodie he was wearing.

From my position, I could tell that there was some 'disagreement' between both parties. My blood started rushing, I had a moment where I thought maybe I should barge in between them and save him. Maybe those movies that I saw as a child with my brother had affected me. The fight was going to start soon, I had to make a choice.

And I chose violence.