ch 5 -suspect 2

Risa's POV

The boy also started running behind the kids when the butcher's hand descended on him like a lion's paw.

"Where are you going? Let us have a nice chat inside." the butcher invited with an angry smile. With a big cleaver in his hand, he looked even more imposing if his size was not terrifying enough. (cleaver - butcher's knife)

"You know who killed that office man right?" the question from the boy caught the butcher off guard. From his reaction, it was easy to tell that he did know something about the case of the man. But he recomposed himself and with a deathly stare grabbed the boy's neck.

"Do you want to die boy?" this time there was no pretending, he was serious. He gripped his cleaver tight and slashed with it towards the boy.

I gasped from my position. My body went stiff but my eyes were open to not miss any action. I wondered if my involvement would have changed anything. I had many openings from the start of the fight till now but I just stood there looking at them. I could have been a savior. Maybe I didn't have it in me from the start. All the things I have thought till now were just a way for me to not get mixed up in the fight.

Meanwhile, the cleaver descended from the overhead position of the boy. With his neck grabbed he had no way of escaping. But again like last time he deflected the cleaver with a brick in his hand. Nobody knew when he picked up the brick. The cleaver missed the body by a stretch but the strike of the cleaver had cut the brick at an angle which made it sharp and pointed. The boy stabbed the brick into the butcher's forearm. But he still didn't loosen his grip on the boy's neck.

"ARGGGHHHHH...." the man groaned in pain.

The boy did not stop there. He made a low kick towards his calf. But the kick was not enough to bring the big man down. This time the boy grabbed the man's arm and jumped in the air. Using the momentum of the jump he used both of his feet in drop kick manner and attacked his knees. This time the force generated was enough to break man's knee. His foot bent at an unfamiliar angle and he dropped to the ground still not letting his grip on his neck go.

The boy started breaking his fingers one by one. If somebody saw this scene everybody would come to the same consensus that the boy was the bigger evil here.

The man had to finally let go of his grab when there were no fingers left to make the grip. The boy now mounted the man and started throwing punches at the man. The man was defenseless trying to protect his face with his arms. The boy deliberately hit him in the hands where his fingers were broken which in return made the man give him openings to hit him.

"WHO KILLED THAT MAN THAT NIGHT!" the boy roared. The man just struggled but didn't tell him anything.

"After I'm done with you those kids are getting hell. Are you listening?" the boy declared evilly. Finally, the man cracked.

"Pl...Please....don't hurt my son. I beg you" the man pleaded. His tears mixed with blood.

The boy stopped when he heard this. He got what he wanted from the man. He got to his goal but one may ask was this all needed. Anyone with a brain could tell that the butcher was not trying to kill the boy from the start. The cleaver strike was probably to scare him off. Even when he grabbed his neck he could have choked him easily but it was too much for him to hurt a child. He chose to get injured over hurting someone not much older than his son. The boy too knew this fact and didn't go for his neck with the brick.

One chose not to kill because of virtue while the other one's feelings....was hard to tell.