ch 12- chain 2

Mirik's POV-

Where am I? I was supposed to be at my apartment. All I could see in my vision was a blur. My head was splitting from the pain. I grabbed something which was beside me and crushed it in pain. Slowly my vision started coming back to me. I looked at the thing in my hand and it was a flower pot. The crazy thing was that I recognized this flower pot. It was an old heirloom we had in our home back in my hometown. But I broke this when I was small and my father had scolded me for three days straight. How is this here?

Some time passed and I could finally see the room I was in. It was the room in our family house. But it looked more ancient. All the furniture looked more prestige, and the windows gave a nostalgic feeling. The air also felt different, it was fresh. I was in the middle of examining the room when I heard the door behind me opening.

An old but muscular man came in and sat on the floor in Indian style. He looked at me and signaled me to sit too. I followed his orders. It felt like I couldn't disobey him.

"So you are the 23rd. Hmmm...not bad I guess," he said while rubbing his chin.

"Who are you?" I asked him politely. He stared at me like he was offended by the question.

"I am your predecessor kid. To be precise the first one. You should know my name, Adi Diman." he looked at me expectantly but I really had no idea. I shook my head. He looked frustrated but didn't pursue the matter.

"Let's leave it at that and talk about you. You are now the owner of the chain of remembrance. That means that the last head has died. Raja...He was a good man." he said. I could feel sorrow in his voice.

"You can even activate the chain on your own. You are a good kid."

"What is happening? Where even am I?" I asked curiously.

"I told you that you have activated the chain of remembrance. You are inside the chain. This chain was created by me and with the help of this I can talk to my descendants." he gave me the information I needed. Without waiting for my reply he continued.

"I detect the talents of my descendants and give them the right path to follow. But if you want to find your path by yourself you are most welcome. But let me remind you that our bloodline spirit is not an easy one to manifest. Five of the chain holders have died in the past." he told me things I have always wanted to know. About spirit manifestation.

"I can tell by looking at you. You have some talent. Aggression, Menace, Analysing, and oh.....good kid. You are going to bring mayhem." he said this with an evil smile.

"So what do you want to learn. No... let's see how much you can learn. Let me tell you that across all the generations, all your predecessors have held titles. The 3rd and 8th had the title of light speed because of their fast speeds. 2nd, 13th, and 14th had the title of mad menace. Others also had the titles but not everyone held a title like your uncle Raja." he taught me our history and continued.

"Some have even held multiple titles like the 9th. You have the same potential, I could see. I can teach you if you want. You can tell me right now what you want to learn first. Go ahead don't be shy with me now. We are all family here." he said excitedly.

"How do I even know what I have to learn?" I asked him.

"Sit down and calmly think about what you want in your life and what is it that you want to control. Is it your sick mind that likes to kill, or do you want to be so fast that nobody could touch you? Think and tell me." he became silent after giving me this advice.

"I don't even need to think. How about anger? I asked rather immediately. He looked at me and smirked.

"You are in luck kiddo. Among all the predecessors only one man had the title of wrath." he looked at me as his aura started increasing. It increased until it became suffocating. I started to feel dizzy.

"It was me." he declared.