ch 15- Trip

Mirik's POV-

The trip to the village of Kala would take a day at best to reach. I boarded a bus that should be able to take me to the outskirts of the village. I boarded the bus before sunrise so I had a long day of boredom to endure. I could just sleep and go inside the chain but there could be thieves lurking around on the bus so I decided not to sleep. We were out of the city we resided and were entering the rural areas. I saw a beautiful field of flowers in the distance. But this beautiful sight reminded me of something else, The Garden.

Because of my feud with the garden uncle had died. The fight with the Garden was rather petty. The son of some bigshot liked the girl who was my girlfriend. He never cared if I was with my girlfriend, he would still try to flirt with her. I let it slide a few times but even god would not give you many chances. I had an argument with him and told him to stay away from her. This was back in the days when I didn't know how to fight, so when the people of Garden came to beat me for the petty reason of an argument, it was the beating of my life. But even that was not enough they even took the memories of that girl from me. Technically not the memories but some elder of the Garden with help of his spirit wiped the face of that girl from my mind. It was much crueler than just erasing the memories. I remember all the times I spent with her, I can still feel her breath on me but her face, her voice, and her smell are all gone. The good thing was that she was from some good family so they didn't hurt her. But now by killing their uncle they have signed their death warrant.

"Mirik you are thinking of something again aren't you?" Adi's voice ringed in my head. I sighed and told him everything.

"The Garden.....No it couldn't be...." he said in a low voice. He paused for a while. Even though I couldn't see him, I knew he was thinking about something.

"What happened? Do you know about those guys?" I asked furrowing my brows.

"Mirik, Before the 10th all your predecessors were violent and uncontrollable men. It isn't that after the 10th the people from our family became tame, but they started to lay low. All the predecessors of yours excluding me before the 10th was killed by a group who used to wear flower badges. If I'm not mistaken they called themselves the Garden. After the horrible death of 9th, his son 10th taught his children and afterward how to stay low and not use their powers." this revelation sounded more like a conspiracy theory. If this was true then it would mean that it was not entirely my fault that my uncle died, but then again maybe I put our family on their radar.

"But not all lived with a low profile. The sun cannot be covered by a blanket. 21st, your grandfather was such a man. Even if he wanted to live normally he couldn't because of his talent." he said with a bit of nostalgia in his voice.

"Did they kill him too?" I asked.

"Nobody is ever born into this world that can kill him," he said as a matter of fact. Then I remembered my father telling me how my grandfather just went missing one day and never came back.

"Does that mean that the Dimans are in danger again?" I asked with a bit of concern. I was not afraid of them but I had a family back home. I can't see them in danger.

"It is not that we are on the radar now....we have always been on their radar," he said in a deep voice.

"The thing is they consider themselves as righteous people and maybe they are who knows. So they can't attack us until we give them a chance to. After the 10th most have stayed low and have acted in place. But looks like they could not wait any longer so they tried to use you as a reason to bite us." Adi used his wisdom on this topic.

"So what should I Do? Let them off?" I asked in annoyance.

"Who said that? Looks like we have to show them that we are not to be messed with." Adi said evilly.