ch 19- Kala

Mirik's POV-

The entrance of the village Kala was heavily guarded. It was like city checkposts but instead of modern weapons, everyone had cold weapons. They stopped and tried checking me for weapons.

"Let him be. He is with us." Bala said to the guard who saluted when he arrived. Bala surely held a high rank after I saw most people in the area being respectful to him. I was let into the village without any hassle.

"Hey, why don't we go eat some food. It had been a long journey and I would also appreciate it if Mirik would be with us." Bala said to his team. They were not very pleased with my inclusion so I tried to make some excuses. But I failed against Bala's persistence and joined them. We arrived at a small restaurant. I could smell the deliciousness of food from my position. I wiped the drool off my face before anyone noticed and entered the place.

"This place might look small but uncle Mosa makes the best food in the village. I would say it will even rival food from the huge cities." entering the place even made the scornful faces of his team slightly better.

"Uncle Mosa!! Special plates for everyone here." Bala shouted to the owner of the restaurant.

"You guys are back? Oh! I see a new face with you guys. Looks like I will have to give you my best today." he said making all the people there laugh heartily. I also felt a bit of joy in my heart, all the anger from my heart was dissipating. All my life I never had any friends. The only people who were close to me were my uncle and my girlfriend. Here it felt like all the people were my friends. Maybe it will change if they were to know me better, my anger problems will definitely not make them like me. The same happened in the school too. But until then I will enjoy this moment. Or maybe...just maybe I can change too.

"Hohoho your food is here kids." Mosa came and put our food on the table with his huge flopping belly.

"Hey kids, I have tried to make sure that you become a regular of mine. Then again everybody will eventually become my regular without any doubt," he said sending everyone into a fit of laughter. I hadn't seen this kind of atmosphere in the city, everything had to be prim and proper. But here everyone was enjoying themselves.

"Ok guys let's eat. We have to go see the chief too." Bala said.

I rubbed my hand and looked like a greedy dog. Food can change people. I bent down towards the plate which in turn made the chain around my neck come out too. I put it back in to make it not fall in the food. I thought what happened was funny so I looked up to see the table's reactions around me. Everyone was snickering and giving out light sighs. Then I looked at Bala.

He looked.....devastated. There was a shock in his eyes. He was still looking towards my neck where the chain was a second before. I didn't understand his reaction and looked at him suspiciously.

"Oh, nothing...The chain is beautiful," he said while regaining his composure. He became normal and started chatting with everyone normally again. I also didn't think much about it as it really was a beautiful chain.

We finished our food and paid at the counter. Bala didn't let me pay for the food even when I insisted but in turn of events, Mosa said that he would let this one be on him. We left the place and reached the center of the village. The chief lived not far away from the center. Bala sent his remaining team to go and see if the chief was ready for the meeting while he showed me around. The team was out of sight after a few seconds.

"Mirik you need to leave and quickly at that." Bala suddenly said breaking his previous calm demeanor.

"What?" I replied confusingly.

"Just listen to me what I'm saying...Mirik Diman," he said in a commanding tone.

"How...How do you know my name?"