Ch 24- Ringside 2

Rabon Fooz's POV-

"What do you mean by personal assistant sir?" I asked a bit irritated.

"What part did you not get Rabon?" he replied, his smile fading away. He stared at me and sighed.

"You have to take care of her. That's all. I would have asked someone else to do this job but you fit the job perfectly as you are her age." he told me concerned. I understood his fears but he was "THE GRAND LEADER" of the Garden. He could assign hundreds of bodyguards in secret.

"If you are thinking why don't I assign guards in secret, then you are thinking right," he said like he read my mind.

"The times are changing....we have to let the young ones grow on their own," he said in a low tone and stared at the ceiling

"But then won't I be a hurdle in her way?" I countered with a good point. He, still looking at the ceiling narrowed his gaze and diverted it towards me.

"Are you afraid of something, Rabon," he asked. What kind of sick question was this? Of course, I was afraid of dying. I had a mother waiting for me and it was finally now that I started to live a good life. But I can't say this to the head.

"Don't worry I know you are not good at fighting just like that old man...Garz," he said in a respectful tone.

My benefactor Mr. Garz was a man who taught me everything but fighting. I couldn't comprehend how he became the leader of the garden when he couldn't even fight. He taught me morals, medicine, finances, and meditation as the core subjects for two years. I also quite liked them as I wasn't the best in the fight department. But how does this relate to me helping a girl?

"You just have to be with her and only interfere when it's absolutely necessary and I know that you have some great social skills, so help her make friends. Easy right?" He said with a smile. He gave me the mission objectives in such a way that I couldn't refuse.

"So when do I join?" I asked him now that it was clear that I had to do this job. Not something I can do about it anyway.

"Her school is going to start tomorrow. To be outside the office by eight. A car will come to pick you up." he said and dismissed the meeting. But before going I had to ask something.

"Can I ask you which school she is in?" I asked the head.

"FLM school. You will be provided with the uniform tomorrow. Now go and prepare for it. I heard you haven't attended school in a long time." He said. I walked out of the room thinking to myself.

FLM was a prestigious school with mostly the rich kids going there or so I thought. But in reality, it was a school for the kids who were sure to manifest their spirits before the end of their school. It goes through the admission process like a normal prestigious school but in reality, they are measuring kids' potential. It was created by some mysterious family but the education they provide is the best in the world so even the old families had to put their attitudes in their pockets and send their young generation to the school.

I remembered the time when my mother worked three jobs so that she could give my fees for the regular public school I went. But she did those jobs regardless so that I could come through. And now we even got a mansion for ourselves, who could've thought.

"Hey mom, guess what happened," I shouted out the second I reached home.

"Yes tell me. You went to Mr. Garz's old company right?" she asked me with a smile on her face. Seeing her living comfortably and smiling like an angel was the best feeling in the world for me.

"I got a job," I said with a puffed chest. After I broke the news to her she began crying. I had to support her, but the next news was even bigger. I began thinking how she would react.

"And one more thing. Mr. Garz passed on his mansion to me." I said with a big smile on my face. My mother looked at me like she saw a ghost and hugged me. Later that night we went for a nice dinner.