ch 27- New life 2

Kiara's POV-

This was my first time in a school and honestly, it wasn't that bad. Aside from the girls who flocked me on my way out. It has always been like this, girls always try to follow me and I also don't have a problem with it. Truth be told I was confident that I would make friends on my first day, the one I was worried about was Bala. The only friends he had in the village were the books he had. I can be assured now that Rabon was with him. That guy Rabon, he....never mind.

"Kiara how do you find the city" a voice came from the chain I had on my neck. The last bell had rung and the school was over. Bala had left with Rabon and Givi. I was all alone now. I sat down on the bench in the playground.

"Good I think," I replied.

"You know right? Why do I want you guys to come to this city?" Adi questioned.

"I know," I said with a bit of rage in my voice. Adi had told me how father died. Now that he was gone too we had no family left. Adi told us that we have an uncle and aunt in our family hometown but I would rather not consider someone whom I have never met like family. And then there was that guy Mirik too.

That bastard it was his fault that father died. Adi had told me that father's death was not completely his fault but still he played a part too. My anger rose to the sky and tears began to come out of my eyes.

I hated Mirik. Not only did he get father killed but he was the one that father always talked about whenever he came to meet us. He would tell us stories about how he taught him this and that or how cute he was. I used to get really irritated whenever he told us those stories. Bala was always amused by the thought that he had another brother but I was always jealous of him. Father used to say that I will also start to adore him when I would meet him. But the reality is not that generous.

"You told me that the one who killed my father was from the Garden or something. So where can I find them." I asked Adi.

"Don't be hasty. You are not that strong to confront them. You are learning the method of spirit manifestation from me but that will take some time. Right now focus on the studies here they will be helpful in our plan." Adi said in a calm voice.

"Yes...I will get revenge for father." tears were flowing from my eyes like heavy rain. My mind was so clouded in rage that I didn't notice that someone had approached me.

"Are you all right?" a concerned voice broke me from my thoughts. I looked at the person who approached me. It was a girl of my age looking at me with concern.

"Yeah...." I replied while wiping my tears.

"Here take this," she said while passing me a handkerchief. I took it.

"Thanks," I said with a smile.

"It's ok. I don't know what you are going through but you seem to be a strong girl, so don't cry. You look lovely when you smile." she said with an angelic smile of hers.

"Are you also a student here?" I asked when I saw she was in formals.

"Yes. I just took admission today. So we will be meeting quite frequently now." she giggled while saying this.

"I will take my leave then. My family will get worried I reach home late." She said.

"I will send you off If you don't mind," I said to her. I couldn't let such a lovely girl go alone.

"If you say so," she said smiling again. We both walked down the ground towards the parking area. We went to the two-wheeler section where she went ahead and put her keys in one of the scooters there.

"Thank you so much for escorting me, lovely lady," she said while bowing. This expression sent us both into a fit of laughter.

"Bye then. Let's meet again," she said while putting her helmet on.

"Oh, I totally forgot. We didn't introduce ourselves." the said to me with a facepalm.

"Kiara, nice to meet you," I said while shaking her hand.

"Pleasure is mine, I am Risa."