ch 32- Practice

Mirik's POV-

A week had passed and I was still practicing. Rama told me that to manifest spirit you not only need an unwavering will but also control over the spiritual energy. This spiritual energy was present inside everyone but deep focus and concentration were required to control it. Rama had taken almost a month to acquire control over it. He told me not to rush it but I was getting agitated thinking about what trouble Bala and Kiara would be getting into.

"How is the training going on?" Rama came with a lot of bugs in his pouch made from cloth.

"I can kind of grasp it," I said while concentrating. A small flickering black orb of energy started hovering on my hand. It looked like a flame that was about to be put down.

"Look at that! You can control spiritual energy in just one week." Adi said in astonishment. He was genuinely proud of me.

"It took me a day to reach where you are. You are my grandson alright," he said with a puffed chest.

"What? One day." I asked him shocked which in turn made me lose my concentration and the orb disappeared. He was a prodigy of our family but was called a failure because he was not able to manifest spirit related to our bloodline. Quite ironic that afterward they also called him the strongest man in the history of the Dimans.

"Looks like you are ready," Rama said while manifesting his soul and lighting the space around us.

"What weapon do you primarily use?" he asked while stretching his body.

"I don't. I try to fight barehanded as much as possible but if I need a weapon I will just improvise." I said rubbing my head. Rama continued stretching his body, the creaking sound coming from his old bones.

"Then you are on the right track. When you manifest your spirit you will not need any particular weapon. You could adapt depending on the situation." he said while doing one leg squats.

"But you will be vulnerable until you get to that point. So I suggest you choose a weapon of your choice. I will not teach you fighting you have to learn those things on your own." he continued.

"I thought you were going to teach me how to fight? Why are you even stretching if you are not going to teach me anything." I said a bit perplexed.

"Nobody in our family has ever taught another how to fight. You have to develop your own style. And as far as my stretching is concerned you don't need to worry about that." he said while looking towards the entrance of the prison.

"Don't tell me. Are you going to- " I was cut off by him as he took strides towards the door? I followed him.

He looked at the door and stood silently for some time. Then he sighed.

"You know I had lost the will to leave this place. This prison was supposed to be my grave. But you have brought me back to my senses." he said with his eyes closed.

"Why did you even come here? Why did you leave your family?" I couldn't hold it in and asked him the question which was on my mind for a long time.

"....I will tell you some other day. For now, we have to focus on our escape," he said while touching the door.

A black aura surrounded his body and suddenly the door flung away like a piece of paper.

Sunlight fell on our faces making us squint our eyes. The fresh breeze gently kissed our faces. I could finally see things clearly. But our moment was ruined when we heard some noises coming our way.

"Hey, why was that noise?" shouts from the guards guarding the prison could be heard.

"Looks like our escape has been ruined," I said while getting ready to fight.

"Why are you afraid? I never said we were going to sneak out of the village," he said while the guards approached us.

Before the guards even pointed their weapons at us they were knocked away by Rama. He made his spirit transform into a brick and hit the heads of the guards. Fifty or so guards have knocked away in just a second.

"Time is of the essence. Let's go," he said as he started walking.

"Go where?" I asked confused.

"To the village chief where else you stupid boy," he said with a light smile.