ch 57- Mistakes 9

Rabon Fooz's POV-

"How's it going, my friend. Nice weather right? " I said approaching the king. This was the first time I took a good look at his face. Blue eyes, black perm, light beard, and a stoic expression. He looked like a model. He looked at me with his blue eyes and followed my movements with it. When I was just a meter away from him his pupils dilated as he thought I was there to kill him. I smiled to comfort him a bit but it was useless as he had trust issues with the strangers.

I looked at him, lonely and afraid. Even though he was trying to kill me before but I didn't hold any grudge against him. I wanted to know what his story was. What happened that made him the way he was. I went ahead and sat beside him. He flinched but was not able to move his body because of blood loss. He averted his gaze from me and looked at the infinite blue sky above us. I also joined him and started to look at the sky.

"I am Rabon. Nice to meet you." I told him and waited for his reply. Hw kept quiet so I tried what I was best at, having a conversation.

"I am 17 years old and I work for a company named Garden. You know the worst has changed quite a bit from the time you were alive. There is world peace. Not many people die of hunger. And everyone gets a right to be educated. This is what everyone believes... I have just lived a short life but I have seen these things be proven wrong. When two people can't agree on something, a fight begins. When money becomes more valuable than life, hunger prevails. And if a person loses his ethics, education dies. " I said continuing to look into the blue sky.

"Now the question arises why did you change. I know you were not the kind that would value money or lose ethics. What happened that made you into this lonely man. My mentor had taught me many things but I always had an interest in philosophy and psychology. From what I have seen from you..... I think it's something regarding the family, isn't it? " As soon as these words came out of my mouth he started breathing heavy and his body trying to get up. Anger was surging up from the depth of his heart.

"My father passed away when I was a kid. With just my mother there for me, it was hard for me. You didn't have either of those as you were an orphan. I can't understand your pain but I can sympathize with you." I said patting his shoulder with my left arm. It calmed him down a bit so I continued my story.

"You did have a wife right?" I asked looking at him. His blue eyes surrounded by red color. He was controlling himself not to cry as his chest puffed up and down rapidly.

Now I had opened him up a bit, I had to tread carefully now or he might just get out of control. From his reaction, I could tell that it was not related to his wife, not completely as he was not on the verge of breaking down. But her wife was related to it somehow. That can mean two things either she cheated or she died. But we can wipe out the possibility of cheating as the pain in his eyes was not that of anger or sadness.

"Did something happen to her? " I asked carefully not mentioning anything hurtful but he was still the same. There was no change in his behavior from before. What was I missing? There was something else that happened and it happened today someone close to his wife and him.... Children. But what should I ask? This might blow all my progress. I had to ask the right question. If it was something related to something like his child dying or something like that he would die just from getting angry at me. Think. Think something.