We can talk.

Jason's Pov

It was dark, the moon shining down from a cloudless night. It was cold, and windy with the trees swaying in the breeze. It was just like the calm before a storm that's only just begun to manifest itself. 

I stood still. Not sure if I'd made the right choice to talk with him but then again I wasn't exactly sure of anything anymore.

The only thing I was sure about was that he was standing there and his presence is more than welcome, at least for now. 

"Hey," he said after a moment. He'd moved a few paces closer but he looked like he wanted to say more. 

But he didn't quite know how to start. Like he'd been wanting to talk all along but couldn't find it in himself to actually say what was on his mind.

We stood there for a few minutes, neither moving until I broke the silence. " I'm sorry."

My words were quiet but I heard myself clearly. 

He looked surprised when he glanced at me. "For what?" His voice sounded strained.