Inquisitor Snow

"Wait!" I hastily said, but Eryths footsteps did not wane. "What's a blood contract?"

"Keep up. It's called walking and talking."

My lips twitched as my hand threatened to reach for my dagger, falling short, as I jogged to his side as we made our way out, passing a few guards who sent me a few perplexing glances. It was as if they were surprised to see me.

"A Blood Contract ensures loyalty. The next venture of our little adventure is to get you acclimated and show you my real business. A Blood Contract ties you not by the winds and skies but by your flesh and blood. One can lie to the Heavens. but not the lifeblood coursing through your veins." He turned to me, his expression hard. "To say alive, I need power, and while my day trade allows me enormous leverage over others, I need—"

"To be outside the law." I interrupted, connecting many dots on my own. "You have a network or at least something similar. No, you have the government's help with that, or at least that's what you've shown me. Your main business is probably darker simply based on the authority you carry. An underground trade. Slavery? No, that's legal. Is it drugs?"

A look of pure astonishment marred his devilish face, causing me to smile, giggling a little as I teased. " So you've come to recognize my greatness, huh?"

Clearing his throat with reddening cheeks, Eryth nodded. "It's as you say. But thinking of your analysis skills working for me would be a waste. And you don't seem too keen on it either."

I nodded.

His light footsteps and without sound paused. "I've got an ideal job for you. One that'll allow you combat, access to vital information even I can't get at times, and—"

"Nothing is free," I cut in, guarding myself deeply.

"And so we digress back to the Blood Contract." He reminded me, lifting his lips, revealing a cute dimple on the right of his cheek. "Are you always so guarded? Never mind, don't answer that. The job I've got grants you a title under my authority and the government of Blackpool to investigate merchants, political candidates, local crime, and families."

"So I'd be a guard?" I mused, hearing the tinge of mockery in my voice.

"You're more prideful than I thought." He added, somewhat amused. "You got a system, my dear Black Rose."

Curse that name!

"Think about the things you'll get to fight or libraries that only allow high-level merchants, the spells, the teachers."

"Ok-Ok, I get it. But what is it you'll want?"

"Favors," he said, cutting quick to the chase. "For example. My mother, you just met. Had I an inquisitor by my side, you could have arrested or killed her without the right to a trial."

Something is up; this seems way too good to be true. Sweeping my gaze past the smiling Eryth to the azure skies and an ocean in the distance, I bowed my head. " I can do favors, but I want to know the catch?"

A job is nice and all. Especially since I'm trapped till the rites are complete, but something feels off.

"Inquisitors are monster hunters, shadows within Blackpool, that have the right to purge just about anyone. You'll have a target on your head. Not at first, but as your powers grow, many will try to get you on their side, and if you refuse, they'll kill you. Inquisitors need to be intelligent, poised, clever, and powerful; The death rate is quite high, higher than being an adventurer."

I felt a tingle of excitement that made my hair stand on end. To face monsters like I did in the wild, but stronger, faster. To train every day and feel myself improve. Yes.

"Are you sure?" I hesitantly asked, a little nervous as to why he was giving this title or job to a stranger. It was strange.

"You'll be signing a Blood Contract, so I'm sure. Not to mention If you do well, the other kingdoms might offer out an olive branch."

"Can I have time to—"

"No. I need an answer now—you are too good and talented, Izalith. I need to know if investing in you is worth my time. If you say no, I'll go. " Eryth's eyes were intense as he stared me down, making me wish to run.

"Can I walk away whenever?"

"I've never seen someone walk away from power even when their lives were on the line. So why not." He challenged, and my eyes narrowed.


By the time Eryth and I finished our tour, amber light reflecting off the coast had touched the Crowned City of Waterdeep, painting this majestic city gold. In a matter of seconds, the already blistering streets flared to life. As if everyone was simply waiting for night to fall.

"Shall we eat? My treat, of course. I'll even right up the contract for you as we dine." Eryth offered as I nodded, almost in tears from hunger; by now, I'd already eaten six times already back on earth.

"Thank god, I'm dying."

"Then you should have spoken up," he teased with a slight laugh; looking around, his eyes suddenly lit up, drawing my attention to the billboard.

Vermillion Hall

"I've not been there in ages. I think this was the first restaurant my father ever took me to. Come. Let's go." he eagerly mentioned, almost mowing down people as he made a path I was quick to chase.

The doors to the Vermillion Hall opened, and a captivating glow made my eyes wet and my heart flutter. True love! Breathing in the intoxicating scent that opened my nose, I wanted to melt. Food was life!

"Welcome, my Lord— Oh dear." A soft, serene voice said, drawing my attention to a well-dressed older man. "L-L-Lord Eryth, is that you?"

"Old Yalva, how have you been? It's been what? Two years? I see you're still the maître d' of this establishment. I would've thought you retired."

Yalva's shoulders trembled as his aged cheeks were covered in wrinkles sagging over folds swaying to his rhythm. "I visited you every day. But I was sent away. I—"

"Easy, Old Man," Eryth said, whispering something into Yalva's ears I couldn't quite make out. He patted his shoulders and pointed to me," This is not a time of sorrow but one of success. Come. Meet my new Inquisitor: Izalith Snow."

The maître d' eyes that had seemed beady snapped wide open as he gasped, the sorrow in his eyes fading to the back of his heart. "My word. Are you on 'Pandemic' by chance?' You know that shit will rot your brain, right? Tell me it isn't so."

"Hey! I am not so bad. And on a more important note. Can we eat?" I joined in, crossing my arms as my stomach thundered, almost shaking the cobblestone.

My cheeks reddened. Screw them. "What? It's not strange. I'm just hungry, is all." I blurted out, crossing my arms, a little vexed and embarrassed.

"I'd thought you were a lion or dragon, perhaps," Yalva jeered, poking fun. " Come follow me, my Lord and Lady."