"Gods! I love a good taco!" I heard Izalith say, dancing along the cobblestone streets. "Nothing is better than corn tortillas, skirt steak, onion, and cilantro. Such simple ingredients. And this salsa verde is fire! Who knew such things existed in Blackpool? I can die happy!"
"She such a carefree child," Vita whispered, leaning her chin onto my shoulder. "It's hard to believe you two are twins? But you show such concern for her. And you barely know her."
I couldn't really explain it. Vita was right. I barely knew Iza. But for some reason, I had this urge to protect her, to watch her smile happily. It's silly, but watching her eccentric behavior made me smile. Something I rarely did since I ran away from home.
It has been nice having her around. And despite her odd behavior, that seems to grow daily. She is fun to be around. It's almost like she is my little sister rather than my big sister. She sure does act like a kid.