A short talk with the girl and the goddess.... --------------------------------------

Me and the girl embraced each other for a while, and now, it seems that she finally calmed herself down from crying and decided to let go of me 


"you feeling okay now?"


I looked towards her face and noticed that there are still tear marks on her cheeks since she cried a whole lot from a while ago.


She stood in front of me while looking down towards the floor.



I blankly watched her twiddling her fingers. I wonder what she is thinking about this time.

"c-can I ask..... Y-your name....."

"My name?"

As she asked that, I raised my eyebrows concerned about how to answer this one.

My name huh..... What should I say....

I don't want to use my name back on Earth. It's not like I don't like my original name, it's just that. I was thinking of changing my name since I'm reborn in a new world and also living a new life. Plus..... I kind of want to forget about my life at Earth.

The memories are just plain boring. But If I have something that I don't want to forget. Then I will just say that I don't want the lessons and skills that I learned from my past life before to be forgotten.

I mean the lessons and education there are really handy since they are modern and advanced. It's a shame to forget those when I will need them for this new world.

Well back to the original question, what should I name myself....

I then tried recalling some names back at my old world.


Sadly it seems like I will need to take a while before picking a new one. I don't have any picks at the moment.

So with that being said, I will just use an object as my name for the time being



"yes..... You can call me that for the mean time....."


She stayed quiet again in which I becoming more used to.

After a quiet moment, she then looked at me as her eyebrows slightly furrowed for some reason.

What now? Why are you staring at me like that?

"is there something wrong on my face??...."

"n-no.... I was thinking if this is the first we have met...."


Well....That's not possible, I'm a person outside of this world you know. Also this not my appearance before so It is definitely not me. 

So the answer is obviously no.....

"Nope...This is the first time we have met...."

"I-I see...."

She said that while still staring at my face for a while.

Is there something else?

 "hmmmm what now?...."

"to be honest... I feel like you are too familiar...."


Familiar huh.....


I guess its because of the doll body that I'm currently using as my soul vessel. Seeing my appearance must seem familiar to her.

But doesn't she realised that I'm her doll yet, maybe because I'm in a humanoid form that my face proportion is different when I'm a doll.

Or maybe she has already realised it but just confused how to ask that. 

But enough of that, I will change the current topic for now since I will definitely reveal it for later.

"what about you?, what's your name?"

I changed the subject and asked for her name instead.


"Diana huh..... That's a good name....."

I wonder who gave her that name, maybe its her mother?....

After that, an akward silence passed again as the two of us didn't say anything for a while.

"U-uhmmm....so where is this place??....,"

She asked to break the silence.

To be honest, I also don't really know how to answer this one.... Does this garden exist in the real world or is it just a dimension. A divine place I wonder.

Aria-sama didn't give me that much of a information about this place so I'm really clueless regarding this.

I think it's better to go with the garden like Aria-sama called this place.

"just a garden out of nowhere..... That's all....."

"O-ohhhh. Then uhmmm, why am I here?.... "

Diana asked curiously while tilting her head.

Of course she will be curious, we suddenly called her here so that's to be expected.

But for the reason..... It makes me kind of embarrassed to say that I want to comfort her.

I mean seriously, It's too embarrassing.


... Let's just go with something plain. 

"I just wanted to talk with you..."

"To talk to me??"


The girl asked again while now looking at me confused.

"but why?"

Since we are in this topic, I should go tell her about everything about me being her doll and so on.

There is no need to hide it since the two of us will be together for some time in the future anyway.

It's to also avoid her being shocked and terrified when I suddenly talk to her in my doll form. 

But for the subject that I'm from a different world.... I will keep it a secret.....

"Do you remember when you asked me whether we've met before?"


"I think you are saying that because of my appearance...."


Ohhh.... So she didn't realize it huh..... Well nevermind that....

"I will explain....but first.... "

As I said that, a bench suddenly appeared on our side which caught me a bit surprised.


Such good timing, It appeared when I am looking for a place where we could sit down.

I then sent my gaze around the garden.

Is Aria-sama watching us from somewhere?...if so, why is she hiding?.....hmmm I think the conversation will go smoother if she was here.

I sighed and looked towards Diana who was again confused and surprised in front of me.

"let's take a seat first.... It must be tiring for you to stand up until now...."


With this, me and the girl sat side by side while slightly facing each other.

"first thing first.... I'm your doll...."


This time, the girl widened her eyes and didn't said anything.

she is sorting this out isn't she?... After all, the fact that I'm her doll is already a very surprising news.

I just waited for her to finish thinking and after a while, she then spoke.

"so that's why.."

"yes.....anyway.... Let's just say that I'm a wondering soul looking for a body....."

"a soul?"

Her eyebrows raised up again as she then leaned forward a bit closer to me.

Her expression now really tells me how curious she is more becoming as we talk.

"yes just a soul....But let's leave it at that...."


I don't want to bother saying that I'm already dead.....so a wandering soul is a much better explanation to use for now.

"And for some reason, I found a possible vessel for my soul in which is your doll. And so, I possessed it'" 

I am going with this reason for now, I know it bit different from the truth but this could work.


I then tried to continue explaining but I then noticed something. Diana was staring at me without blinking.

"Uhmm Diana?"


I called out to her but she was silent again....


"Oops!? sorry, I was thinking again."

"Hmmm.... are you angry that I used your doll without your permission?"

"Eeeh? No!... Not at all!..."

She answered me in a flustered manner as she shook her head sideways..

well I just wanted to ask her that for no special reason... But she also seems to be fine with it so I guess there are no problems with it.

"uhmmm, what about the thing that you said."

"about what??...."

"about helping me??..."

"Of course I am and you don't like to stay there anymore right?.... "

She nodded, of course she won't like to stay there anymore.... I mean it's already obvious.... She also mentioned about escaping a while back when she was crying before.

"I will get you out of that horrible place..."



Diana's face lit up, maybe because she is finally getting out from that place.... But before that.

"but can I ask you to wait for like two weeks first?...."


Diana face slowly turned into a frown.....there is nothing I can do about this, I need to wait to finally move my body and to also use skills..... And I should explain it to Diana too....

"you see..... I can't really use my new body that well at the moment..... It will need time for me to be able to move freely...."

"I-is that so....."

Diana looked down while she clenched her hands, she really is so eager to escape that place as early as possible.

"I'm sorry...."

"it's okay...."

I patted her head

"..... Two weeks..... Right? Okay... I...my...best..."

She then said something in a soft and mumbled voice. And since it was so mumbled, I didn't quite heard what she said completely.


"I will only need to wait for like two weeks right?"

She raised her head back up and looked at me straight to my eyes.


"Then so be it..."

She accepted it.... I had a little expectation that she will say something like she can't wait any more longer..... but its nice to know that she can still patiently wait for me.

I faintly smiled, and stared back at her, I should also do my best to help her escape. I know that we can be able escape after a week so the second week is the execution of the escape. 

"Just endure it a bit more okay...we will definitely leave there....."


"hmmmu..... Good girl...."

I then had the sudden urge to pat her head so I did just that.

"uhmmm doll-san?...."

"what is it?"

"thank you very mu- ehhh?"

Just as she was thanking me, her body started to begin glowing in front of me.

"Ehhh!? w-what's happening??"

The girl said as she panicked because of what's happening to her body.

I already have a sense of what this light meant.....

Already time huh....

That's the only answer I can think of..... I'm not going to lie but our talk ending here just like this kind of felt like a cliffhanger.

"Well we will continue this talk next time soon, just patiently wait for me okay?"

"Ehhh Doll san!?"

"Don't worry I am always besides you."

[I'm sorry that your conversation was cut short.]

I then heard Aria-sama voice in my head. I looked around again to see if she shown herself but no... 

I then look back at the spot where Diana was supposed to be.

But when I turned back, I found that there are no more traces of a person sitting there in front of me.

Already gone huh.....

I bet Diana still have something to say after thanking me but I guess that will be reserved for the next time we will be able to communicate again.

I sighed and just sat down waiting for Aria-sama to show herself.

And perhaps reading my mind, Aria-sama did appear in front of me with a smile on her face.

"did you really need to hide?."

"fufufu~ I don't want to interrupt the two of you~plus I enjoyed watching it ~"

"I see...."

Aria then walked and sat besides me.

"by the way..... You will also need to go you know~"

"already time?"

"yep, it's morning already~ It's also the reason why I sent back that girl, her food was already sent to her room by the servants when she was sleeping." 

Guess there is no helping that... Hmmm, I wonder how will this new day will work out for me.

Will I just stay there again while staring blankly on one spot.

"Fufufu definitely possible"

Its boring.....

If only I could get my body to move then that will really change things.

Not to mention,I would also need to endure watching Diana being beaten up.

"I dont want that....."

"fufufu, there there~"

And like this Aria-sama then patted my head as she see me pouting. 

A couple of minutes passed and I'm now leaning against Aria-sama's shoulder,

I don't feel embarrassed to do this anymore, plus Aria-sama doesn't seem to oppose it. Rather it seems like she also likes this.

As I quietly enjoyed her shoulders, she then started saying something.

"By the way, there is a skill that you can use for the mean time~"

"Aa skill"

I raised my head trying to look at her face from the upper corner of my eyes.

I wonder what it will be this time.

"it's called damage transfer~"


Just judging from the name, I can kind of already imagine how that skill work.

I kind of get that damage will be transfered but the question now is to who will be the target of that damage.

Will it return to the one who inflicted the damage? hehehe that will like karma.

"Fufu the target of that will be you~"

"Ehhh? me?"

I asked curiously as I want to hear more about this skill.

"you said you don't want to bear watching Diana to be in pain right?"

"Well I did say that...."

"so we will transfer the pain inflicted to her to you~,plus~"

She smiled again then continued explaining.

"your body is that of a doll so you are immune to feeling damage."

She already explained my new body before so I understand what she said.

My body doesn't have any flesh, nerves and organs so damage will not be really felt. And from what I normally know, A doll's body is just mainly made up of cotton or wax depending on the doll...

But I looked at my body and stared at it.... I wonder what kind of material is under my skin right now.... I already have a feeling that I'm made out of wax, but what is exactly under that wax?

Is it hollow with nothing inside?

One thing for sure that flesh and organs are out of the question, seriously you don't want to see those kind of things inside a doll's body, that's plain straight out from a horror movie.

 like someone stuffing body parts or flesh of a human inside a storage box or a doll.

"You want to see it?"

"Nope. not really."

Aria-sama asked me, but I think I will pass that curiosity for now.

"let's get back to the topic."

"Right.... So back to what I'm saying earlier, the pain will be transfered to you, but even if you can't feel the pain, you should still need to take of yourself, especially that girl."

Aria-sama stood up and stretched her body, and for me... I just tilted my head.

"I will continue this conversation later, its really time for you to go back~"

"is that so?"

"yes ~"

Following her words, my body started to slowly fade out and turning into lights. Similar to what happened to Diana a while ago.

"fufufu, see you later~"


I closed my eyes and my consciousness started to drift away from the place.

Let's go back.....