Chapter ii

"Congratulations Riverson seems like your legacy is in tact, i sure hope mine is too because all these younglings seem to care about is spending money and spending more money", one of our clients in London told my Dad when were finishing up a meeting. "Yes, she is amazing and am proud of her", he commented looking at me with pride. "But i like spending money too, looking like this is not cheap", i said making them laugh. "Lina, am so proud of you, i hope you know that even if am too hard on you sometimes", "I know Dad, I love you", "I love you too, now let's get back to the hotel before your Mother starts blowing up my phone", he said making us both laugh, no one dares to play with Mum when she is hungry.

"Oh my god, Babe do you know who owns this restaurant?", Tyler said with so much excitement that made me and Mum laugh. We decided to go to Feast Restaurant, we were told it was the best restaurant in town, honestly i just wanted good food but Tyler googled all the restaurants in advance, checking which food they served or should i say cuisine and which Chef owned it. It was no surprise that this was also on his list. "The Chef that owns this restaurant is like my only idol, like literally, i just hope he is here", "Why wouldn't he be?", he was confusing me at this time. "He owns like ten of these Babe, across the world he is like the best of the best and he managed to open his first restaurant when he was twenty three, i mean...who does that!", he said with excitement while Dad rolled his eyes. That was very impressive.

"This food is just to die for", i said finishing the desert that had cake and ice cream in the most bizarre shape i never though ice cream could be. "Am glad you enjoyed", i turned to meet very interesting set of blue eyes and a smile that would make anyone loose themselves especially women. "Hello am Tyler Osborn and am a huge fan of yours Chef Young", Tyler said pushing me to the side with more pressure than intended, i almost fell but i was caught by a very steady arm causing Tyler to stare in shock then pull me to his chest apologising. I could have sworn that Chef Young looked pissed at Tyler but recovered pretty fast then turned to my Dad. "Riverson, thank you for coming, i received your proposal and i promise to look into it as soon as i can, will that be ok with you?", "Absolutely, take your time", my Dad replied. It was clear that he wanted the deal. I could read my Dad better than anyone. "You have a lovely family, who might this beautiful woman be?", he said offering his hand to a very blushing Mum, waoh! she has no shame, i smiled at her shyness. "Oh yes, this is my wife Janet, you have met our daughter Lina and her friend Tyler", he introduced us causing our eyes to meet again and this time i swear he was checking me out, what the hell? I looked away fast focusing on the flowers that were in the middle of the table. "Beautiful, I will leave you to it, have a wonderful night", why did i feel like he was talking about me? We returned to the hotel, the whole ride being about the famous Chef Young. There was just something about him that made me give him more attention than was needed, i had to force myself to remember, i was in a serious relationship.

"I had no idea that your Father knew Chef Young", "Tyler are we seriously doing this now?", i was so annoyed by his behaviour. When he was excited about something that was all that we would talk about. Like now i was trying to seduce him and all he was blabbing about was how he was going to become the best Chef like this Young did. I stopped, pulled back and went to the bathroom to freshen up, clearly my last sexy night in this hotel was not going to happen. I texted my frustration to Lily. We were like sisters for a long time, but Tyler didn't want me to hangout with her saying that she was a bad influence so i agreed but never disconnected with her i was just clever about it. How can i not see her while she was my Mum's PA like seriously. I know there is alot of negativities surrounding Tyler and i but i believe that once my family become willing to know him better all will be well.

'What is wrong with him?', 'L, i don't know i was on his face, right there, wearing his favourite lingerie and all he would talk about was the Chef that didn't even pay attention to him'. 'Oh Sweety, may be he just needs time to process things', 'And my pussy, which is amazing and right infront of him needs some processing too, how about that huh?', 'You are such a naughty girl gosh'. 'That is not a naughty voice is a desperation voice', 'i hear you boo'.

I heard the bathroom door open and pretended to sleep. He didn't even bother kissing me good night, just went straight to his phone started watching Chef of the night's documentary and that is when i fell asleep.