Chapter xxi

Cheng's POV:

We are in Lina's bathroom staring at pregnancy tests that she has scarleted all over the sink looking at the tiny screens. She looks scared but honestly am excited. It might not be planned but the idea of having a child with the woman that i love is more satisfying than scary. "How long does it fucking take? They make it look easy on TV", she said pacing all over the bathroom. I smiled when i saw one stick showing a positive sight then the rest did the same. "Lina, it's ready", she was right next to me the moment i finished my sentence. I placed my hand on her belly and smiled. She smiled, i released a breath because i knew that she had accepted it, now we had to figure out the next step. I was pulled out of my bubble when i felt her tiny hands on my neck pulling me to her height, my lips connected to hers. She kissed me like there was no tomorrow. "I know that this was not planned but am happy that it's with you. I am ready to move in with you, i know that you will protest but i will talk to dad and we can see how it will work, but only if it's ok with you", she said searching my eyes for any doubts. Stubborn woman, even after confessing that i wanted this she still doesn't trust me. I smiled pulling her in another kiss but this time i pushed her against my body then up making her gasp while wrapping her legs on my waist. I took her back to bed and worshiped her, making sure that she screamed my name over and over again.

The week went by faster than i wanted. I asked Lina when we were going to tell her parents but she wanted to wait a little longer, i knew she was nervous about doing it so i didn't push it. When she dropped me at the airport, i could see her eyes water, i guess the hormones were kicking in. Her face lit up the moment i promised to call her as soon as i landed making me smile. This must have been what being a father was like to Travis. I was surely going to need him on this asap. I called Kelly when i landed asking her to meet me at the restaurant, i don't know why but being at the London Feast always made me feel centered, i mean i had other places but i liked this one better so i would always travel every now and then to other branches but came back eventually. I was deep in thought then i remembered i did not call Lina. "You landed like an hour ago", she said clearly annoyed. "Am sorry Cupcake i had to make an appointment with Kelly before calling you. How are you feeling?", i asked in a calm voice i know she likes. "Am sleepy", she whined making me smile. "Am so sorry Cupcake, i wish i was there with you", i said hoping that she will feel better and it worked so that made things easier. "When are you telling your family?", she asked sounding nervous. "As soon as i see them. Cupcake am really excited about this. I hope you are too because its the best feeling in the world", i told her. "Really?",she said then sniffed, was she crying? "Cupcake, are you alright?", i asked worried. "'s just so sweet of you to say that", she replied making me smile again. This was going to be an interesting couple of months as much as i could not wait to see what we made, i was also excited to see her weird behaviour. Travis used to tell me about the weird cravings that Nikita used to have so i was finally going to experience it too.

"Congratulations! Oh my god. Look at you", Kelly said the moment i told her. "Thank you", i replied trying to think of how i was going to tell Mother and father then settled for winging it. I was going to visit them right after work. After closing the day i drove to my parent's house, where i found the love birds enjoying some wine by the backyard. Honestly, this was the kind of life that i had in mind for Lina and me. Having a house in an awesome location with a huge backyard for the kids but here we were trying to work on the distance situation. I was ok with moving because i know that her parents need her at the office, i was going to miss London, i just hoped that Lina was ok with it since she was already thinking about speaking to her parents, wanting to move to London instead. "Hey guys!", i said with excitement bringing them back to reality. "Hi Cheng, we didn't expect you today, come join us", Mother said as she gestured for me to join them. I sat opposite them. "So i have something to tell you", i said swallowing hard i don't know why i was feeling nervous but i did. I released a breath as i saw mother sitting properly. "Lina and i are expecting a baby", i said and watched as their eyes went wide with shock. "Congratulations son", father said standing up and pulling me in for a hug. Mother watched with a smile on her face. "This is the best news ever Cheng. Am so happy for you. How do you feel?", coming to think of it, she was the first person to ask me this. "Am so excited, i just can't wait to start that chapter with her. She is the one", i told mother whose smile got even wider.