Chapter 9

#Chapter 9 I faint

Selene's POV

"I'm not," I insist. I'm bobbing through the air, the door drawing closer and closer. Abruptly I realize Bastien intends to remove me from the bathroom, "No, stay here!" I exclaim.

Bastien's palm presses to my forehead and cheeks, "You have a fever." He says it as if it's my fault. "And if you're so ill that you cannot leave the bathroom, then you need to go to the emergency room."

Panic blooms in my chest. I can't go to the hospital. I can't see a doctor. They'll find out I'm pregnant. They'll tell him. "No." I object loudly. "I'm fine."

"You aren't," he corrects me in a warning tone. "And you know how I feel about lies, little wolf."

For once I don't give a damn about his scolding. "I won't go, you can't make me!" I cry, desperately trying to wriggle out of his arms. It's no use, Bastien is too strong for me. I can fight all day long but we both know I won't get anywhere. "Let me go!" I order angrily.