Chapter 80

#Chapter 80 Antidote

Selena's Pov

Shock, fury and betrayal war for dominance in Bastien’s imposing features. He’s looking at me the same way he did when he first discovered I was alive, as if he’s realizing he doesn’t recognize me at all. Tears have been rolling down my cheeks since I woke, but a fresh surge rushes forth as I wilt beneath his scrutiny.

“Bastien, they need it now.” Drake interjects.

As if in a trance, Bastien shoves out his arm toward the lab tech, “Take it.” He orders coldly.

The poor tech is shaking as he tries to draw the enraged Alpha’s blood, and he’s not alone. Every lesser wolf in the room is positively quailing in the face of the apoplectic energy Bastien is putting off, myself included.

When the young man completes his duties, he practically sprints out of the bay, heading off for the lab. No one says a word. We’re all waiting with bated breath to see how Bastien will respond, even the doctor.