Chapter 87

#Chapter 87 I’ve Loved You Since I Was Five

Bastien‘s Pov

I only make it a few paces out of the cafe before I change my mind and turn back. All night I’ve been tip-toeing around, trying to get through this fight without upsetting Selene, but I can’t hold back any longer.

I don’t want my mate to be afraid of me. I don’t want to trigger her and send her into a PTSD episode, but I have a right to be angry. Besides, fights are upsetting. There’s no way to honestly have one if you can’t express your feelings for fear of offending someone else’s.

Selene jumps when the door slams back open, the bell hanging above it jingly wildly. I stalk back to our booth, towering over my beautiful mate with steam billowing from my ears. “How long?

“What?” Selene squeaks, eyeing me warily.