Chapter 110

#Chapter 110 Followed


When Lila and I reached New Town, the streets rearranged themselves before my very eyes. All of a sudden the world around me transformed: the cars and modern advertisements faded, reverting to styles and campaigns from the forgotten past. New restaurants and shops disappeared, replaced by businesses which have long since closed.

Everything appears as it did fifteen years ago - the last time I truly spent time here - the last time I walked these streets before my mother died and Garrick took me prisoner. After I escaped I rarely came here. I avoided this neighborhood like the plague. But here I am again, ten years old and about to lose everything I ever knew and loved.

“This is it, Mommy?” Lila’s tiny hand squeezes mine, her beloved voice jolting me out of my reverie.

“This is it.” I confirm. “I grew up in that very house.” And lost everything there too. Luna adds.

Hush. I tell my outspoken wolf.

“Can we go inside?” Lila asks eagerly.