Chapter 119

#Chapter 119 - Big Sister


“I’m not sure we should do this today.” Selene frets, watching Lila nibble on a slice of apple. It’s just before lunchtime on Saturday, and we’ve agreed to tell our pup about the new addition to our family before night falls.

“Everyone is going to know before too long.” I remind her, “she should hear it from us, not from whispers on the street.”

“She wouldn’t know what they meant even if she did hear them.” Selene argues, “she’s too young. We should wait.” Only we can’t wait, because I need to know everything is alright before I leave for the Calypso pack. I need to make sure my family is on solid footing, that Selene and Lila can thrive without me. “The more time she has to get used to the idea, the better.” I remind my mate.