Chapter 125

#Chapter 125 - Murder for Hire


The attack comes just before I reach the edge of the Calypso territory.

I left the car at the edge of the woods when night fell, wanting to do a bit of reconnaissance before deciding how my quest should proceed. There’s a chance that when all is said and done I’ll retrieve the car and enter Tartarus without further deception, driving right up to the front door and introducing myself to Blaise Denizen under a diplomatic front.

However, I think it’s far more likely that I’m going to need to hide my presence here at all costs. I suspect that if I do approach Denizen in person, it will not be under my true identity. However I can’t decide which tact to choose before I’ve seen the Calypso pack for myself. I want to find out what the common people know about their Alpha’s quest to find Volana wolves, and I need to get my bearings and plan contingencies - including escape routes in case things take a turn for the worse.