Chapter 128

#Chapter 128 - Bastien Arrives in Tartarus


Lila is crying again when I get home, and as soon as I enter the apartment my mother-in-law shoots me a look of abject relief. My pup is running towards me before I can even close the door behind me, her tiny feet drumming a rapid pitter patter across the wood floors.


“Hello sweet pup.” I croon, gathering her in my arms and rocking her gently from left to right. “What’s the matter?”

“Gamma wouldn’ let me have cookie!” She cries pitifully.

“I said not before you eat your lunch,” Odette reminds her kindly, dropping a kiss to my cheek and whispering in my ear,

“You’ve definitely got your hands full. I’m sorry I dismissed you earlier.”

“Don’t be silly, I didn’t take it that way.” I assure her, turning to Lila. “I’ll tell you what, little bean. I’m starving, why don’t we have lunch together and then afterwards we’ll go share a big cookie from the bakery?”